Beautiful little mystery he/she a game bird? Easter Egger?

The more I look at the speckled Sussex, the more I feel like that's what we have...which is great, because we originally wanted some :)

  • Lady of McCamley, I also considered the Welsummer..I wouldn't complain if it turns out to be one of those...but I'm pretty sure now it's a Sussex. We'll see what happens :)

BantamLover21, You say pullet? That's what I was hoping with this particular chick :) I tried so hard not to get attached to any or have favorites, but this one is so sweet and friendly! I just made up my mind that I might have a rooster friend and not a hen..haha! I read a good article on here today about sexing them..I'm curious if I can tell any differences between the three we have.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge everyone!!

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