
Aug 26, 2019
A few months ago we got some baby chicks from tractor supply. The first few weeks went by fine and nothing really happened. Then they got to the age where they could be out in the coop. I will forever regret that decision. We put them out and they seemed to like it. They had fun in their new house and they loved the new area. So we left them out their overnight. I woke up that morning to find a raccoon had grabbed all of them. Pulled the heads off and left the bodies. Thats when I heard it. The faint peeping under the shed. I ran over and lo and behold there was one survivor. I took her in and did everything I could. She slept in my room with me so I could ensure nothing happened to her. I took her out in the front yard every day and she learned that I was like her papa. She would fly up on my shoulder and stay like that while I worked outside. I would take her on walks like that and I loved her more than anything. Then as she started to grow older my parents didn't want her. What good is a hen when you only have one and aren't getting any eggs they said. That little hen was my heart. So when they told me that we were getting rid of her I wept. I couldn't bear the thought of losing my baby. We gave her to one of our friends who has multiple chickens. I visited as much as I could but without daily interaction she forgot about me. She didn't recognize me or trust me anymore. She wouldn't fly on my shoulder. It was bittersweet. She finally had friends of her own but I now had none. But I suppose it was for the best because a few weeks later the raccoon once again killed the entire chicken population. I wish I never got rid of her. I wish I could still hold her. I still love that little hen and I still cry about her every now and then. My word of advice to you is cherish what you have because you never really know how much they mean to you until they're gone. I know this probably wasn't the uplifting and happy story you were expecting. It was a love story but like Romeo and Juliet the love ended in tragedy. Please please please treat your animals with love and respect because they love you. God bless you my friends.
A few months ago we got some baby chicks from tractor supply. The first few weeks went by fine and nothing really happened. Then they got to the age where they could be out in the coop. I will forever regret that decision. We put them out and they seemed to like it. They had fun in their new house and they loved the new area. So we left them out their overnight. I woke up that morning to find a raccoon had grabbed all of them. Pulled the heads off and left the bodies. Thats when I heard it. The faint peeping under the shed. I ran over and lo and behold there was one survivor. I took her in and did everything I could. She slept in my room with me so I could ensure nothing happened to her. I took her out in the front yard every day and she learned that I was like her papa. She would fly up on my shoulder and stay like that while I worked outside. I would take her on walks like that and I loved her more than anything. Then as she started to grow older my parents didn't want her. What good is a hen when you only have one and aren't getting any eggs they said. That little hen was my heart. So when they told me that we were getting rid of her I wept. I couldn't bear the thought of losing my baby. We gave her to one of our friends who has multiple chickens. I visited as much as I could but without daily interaction she forgot about me. She didn't recognize me or trust me anymore. She wouldn't fly on my shoulder. It was bittersweet. She finally had friends of her own but I now had none. But I suppose it was for the best because a few weeks later the raccoon once again killed the entire chicken population. I wish I never got rid of her. I wish I could still hold her. I still love that little hen and I still cry about her every now and then. My word of advice to you is cherish what you have because you never really know how much they mean to you until they're gone. I know this probably wasn't the uplifting and happy story you were expecting. It was a love story but like Romeo and Juliet the love ended in tragedy. Please please please treat your animals with love and respect because they love you. God bless you my friends.
Thank you for sharing this story. It really tugs at the heart. I am sorry for the turn of events but glad to know there was a survivor and you did everything right.
Bless you for your care and good deeds. Your heart must be mighty large.
I'm so sorry. It's hard to get our friends and loved ones to understand how a chicken, or even a flock of Chickens, can be be a pet(s). They see them as a product. As a youngster chickens were for gramma to get eggs from, me to chase, and Uncle to hang on the clothesline upside down and turn into chicken dinner. Now I'm 68, got a little flock 2 years ago with the plan to follow suit. Then I fell in love with them. My family think I'm crazy and some are still disappointed that we won't be eating them. Some have come round to my love of them.
I hope you stay with us and learn from our experiences so one day you can have your own property and your own flock. Meanwhile just forgive mom n dad for not seeing the personality that a chicken can have.:hugs
A few months ago we got some baby chicks from tractor supply. The first few weeks went by fine and nothing really happened. Then they got to the age where they could be out in the coop. I will forever regret that decision. We put them out and they seemed to like it. They had fun in their new house and they loved the new area. So we left them out their overnight. I woke up that morning to find a raccoon had grabbed all of them. Pulled the heads off and left the bodies. Thats when I heard it. The faint peeping under the shed. I ran over and lo and behold there was one survivor. I took her in and did everything I could. She slept in my room with me so I could ensure nothing happened to her. I took her out in the front yard every day and she learned that I was like her papa. She would fly up on my shoulder and stay like that while I worked outside. I would take her on walks like that and I loved her more than anything. Then as she started to grow older my parents didn't want her. What good is a hen when you only have one and aren't getting any eggs they said. That little hen was my heart. So when they told me that we were getting rid of her I wept. I couldn't bear the thought of losing my baby. We gave her to one of our friends who has multiple chickens. I visited as much as I could but without daily interaction she forgot about me. She didn't recognize me or trust me anymore. She wouldn't fly on my shoulder. It was bittersweet. She finally had friends of her own but I now had none. But I suppose it was for the best because a few weeks later the raccoon once again killed the entire chicken population. I wish I never got rid of her. I wish I could still hold her. I still love that little hen and I still cry about her every now and then. My word of advice to you is cherish what you have because you never really know how much they mean to you until they're gone. I know this probably wasn't the uplifting and happy story you were expecting. It was a love story but like Romeo and Juliet the love ended in tragedy. Please please please treat your animals with love and respect because they love you. God bless you my friends.
That was an amazing story, thank you for opening your heart like that!

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