Bed time drama?

today Gertie looked like she spit up a little? have you seen hens do that, I also now have a 3rd 'squatter' who spent some time on the nest today but no pay off.
Meant to say like. Spit up a little of what? I think they've done it but now so sure. That 3rd squatter seemed to be taking it on a test drive.
To encourage going into the coop one of our friends actually throws corn scratch in the coop. This get's them all in, and then you close them up. It works well for her, and she has crabby chickens.... Our other neighbor has squabbling in the hen house, but eventually they settle down. The one thing they both have in common is: they bring the chickens in from the yard to the pin for dinner, then bed time (sundown) they go in to the hen house/coop. My daughter chicken sit's for them both, so I know the routine well.
I have my first chickens ever so this is all new for me. I need some advice please. My problem is that they want to spend the night sleeping out side & they don't go in their coop in the evening. I worry about their safety as it's not 100% secure, & also for when it gets colder. They seem to like the coop when they are in there but at night right now I have to scoop them up & put them in. I kept them in there for a few days at the beginning before letting them in the run. Thanks.
I have my first chickens ever so this is all new for me. I need some advice please. My problem is that they want to spend the night sleeping out side & they don't go in their coop in the evening. I worry about their safety as it's not 100% secure, & also for when it gets colder. They seem to like the coop when they are in there but at night right now I have to scoop them up & put them in. I kept them in there for a few days at the beginning before letting them in the run. Thanks.
Keep training them to go to the coop at night. I can't quite remember how my first chickens were. They should catch on. Keep me posted. Use treats to get them in or do what you do know and just put them in there.
We had Leghorns years ago, and after putting up with their behavior problems we switched over to dual duty birds.
What a difference! These gals are so happy and friendly every day and every hour of each day. I still get plenty of
eggs too! We are so happy we switched to the dual duty. They are fatter, friendlier, and lay just as well. Oh, and did I
mention, no more dirty eggs!!!! They're much better at keeping the coop clean..........I love 'em! We have Ameracaunas,
partridge rocks, buff opringtons, light brahmas and Australorps!
Hello. You mention Bedtime Drama. We have 7 Rhode Island Reds and 3 Barred Rocks, who normally get along well. But at nighttime there is drama happening in the HenHouse. The ladies have a pretty established order of roosting, who sits next to whom, who is first on the perch, that sort of thing. Beulah the Biter (she bites me and won't let hand is covered with bruises, but when I pick her up she settles in, lays back against my chest and enjoys the world) is always the first on the perch, and Lucy, the singer, is next to her. Lucy makes a nighttime song of chirps, whistles and high-low notes that sounds like she's singing a song. Who knows, maybe she is!) Then comes one of the barred rocks, and then Henreitta, a huge barred rock. Everything is fine, Lucy is singing along, Beulah is dozing up against the wall and Lucy, then Henrietta stands up, reaches over her perchmate and Lucy, and Whamo!, pecks Beulah for no reason at all! then she settles back down, Lucy singing along, and Henrietta will rise again, reach across her friend and Lucy, and Bam! peck Beulah again. it's like this for about 3 or 4 minutes. Then all is quiet on that end of the perch. On the other end there is a constant fight for position, pecking each other, hens crouching low and trying to get under the next in line's wing to jostle for perch position, squawking, cooing and chirping, then all is quiet in the henhouse for the night. The fact that Henrietta needs to peck Beulah amuses me, I wish that she didn't , but there are obviously politics at play here which I don't know nor understand. Just another reason my hens provide me with so much enjoyment. I love them all.

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