Bedding question

I was JUST reading about that in a book called City Chicks by Patricia Foreman (a really awesome book, might I add):

"The same aromatic compounds that give cedar and pine wood shavings their pleasant aroma and insect repellant qualities can cause upper respiratory problems in chicks and chickens. Aspen wood shavings used for bedding are considered safe wood based bedding for poultry."

"The phytochemicals in cedar that are poisonous to insects can be harmful to chickens."

"Since I have switched to aspen bedding, very few of my baby chicks have had respiratory problems."
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Thanks everyone, I will start using shvaings (pine) and paper towels. Thanks again.
I read the same book--good book! I added to be sure of plenty of ventilation on top in case they use pine shavings for that very reason. Many folks cannot get Aspen locally.
I've found sand works the best in the brooder for the 1st 2 weeks. It stays warm, the chicks can get firm footing, less dust and you can sift it clean with a kitty liter scoop.


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