Begging chickens?

K C Smith

Sep 1, 2020
Greeley, CO
My husband was eating a sandwich and our chicken Spot wanted to share.šŸ˜†


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The funniest part of this story was that he actually thought that it was HIS sandwich!

I can't eat in front of mine without them all mobbing me, since I've trained them that good & tasty things come in paper towels. And if they see me with a water bottle, they have to investigate, too, knowing that squirming, hopping bugs & such always come out of bottles.

My chickens are so smart that they trained me!
If I go in with a jar, they come running. The jar has held Japanese Beetles, grubs, BOSS, and mealworms. Same thing with the treat plate. I've used that to my advantage though: the change of seasons means I've changed the coat I wear. So to help my cockerel deal with that, I wear the different coat and bring the treat plate or jar.
The funniest part of this story was that he actually thought that it was HIS sandwich!

I can't eat in front of mine without them all mobbing me, since I've trained them that good & tasty things come in paper towels. And if they see me with a water bottle, they have to investigate, too, knowing that squirming, hopping bugs & such always come out of bottles.

My chickens are so smart that they trained me!
I really wish I could have uploaded the video. She was talking to him the whole time until my son came out with a slice of grapefruit.šŸ˜†

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