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Ok I’ve got tons of pine dust down in my wood shop. Also I was going to put fence or chicken wire up on ceiling and then something to keep rain off them. Couple poles at different heights for roosting.
That sound like a plan Stan??
Your guineas will need a coop.
As adults guineas like a high roost. Also in NY you have similar winter as me here in Michigan. They need a place for that, inside draft free and roomie enough for 3 months time.
The chain link pen will not keep keets or adults safe at night from preditors that can fit through the openings like rats, snakes and the dredded weasel who is a killing machine.
adult guineas can and will fly out of that pen. My guineas spend alot of time on the roof of my coop and 3ven my house. That is the best spot to keep lookout. Also its almost like King of the mountain game to them. They take turns up there.
My tick problem is lessened with my free range guineas but not gone.
They are quite entertaining. I love my guineas!
Welcome to the backyard!
chickend 004.JPG
Ok I plan to free range I was reading I just need a place to corral them at night. I could let them into that back storage room or enclose the sides of pen and extend roof over the pen. I just liked the fact that water was accessible and feed could be stored easily (as I plan to only feed them at night to persuade them in for the night. I could also just ditch that pen and extend roofline off the back of house and enclose.
That was my coop idea but how high should ceiling be in coop?
I also have about half a dozen stray cats from the abandoned barn across the road who are ruthless killing machines. Just ask my baby robins that no longer exist and the monumental nose smears from my dogs attacking the glass thinking they can get to the cats.

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