Beginner's Hatch-A-Long

I have one that is similar and when I make adjustments I bairly move that nob to the point where I'm not sure it even moved. I wait and check back in say 20 min. and if no change I do it again. It takes such a slight movement of that nob to make a big change that small changes are better.

Have you looked at the Little Giant tips and tricks? That may not be the exact name but there are lots of little things you can do. You may have to wait till this hatch is done before you do some of them but it will be good for next time.
This Has Already Been A Learning Experience...Only 24 Hours In! Is There A Good Incubator That Isn't So Fussy?
This Has Already Been A Learning Experience...Only 24 Hours In! Is There A Good Incubator That Isn't So Fussy?
Cabinet ones are great but they usually hold a lot of eggs and are very expensive. Brinsea is good brand but again, a lot of money. I went with a Farm Innovators Pro Series with an egg turner and a fan. It is basically the same as the LG with a few additions. I am almost through with my 3rd hatch and am still learning all the time.
Just checked my eggs @ day 5 couldn't wait till Friday. Seems like only 3 are developing but then again some are hard to tell cause of they're porousand somewhat brownish. I'm not really sure if I should up the humidity a bit or not, it's sitting at 33%. Any suggestions?
This evening will start day 21 for me and I am having a heck of a time keeping the humidity up and the temp stable but I think I have a trick for the humidity. I folded up a couple of paper towels and put them right under one of the vent holes and I take a spray bottle and spray a bunch of water onto the paper towels so I can add water without opening the incubator and the paper towels soak up the water and act as a wick but I don't have to worry about chicks drowning themselves. Seems to be working. I have one pip for sure and another I can't tell about. My one pip is not pipped in the air cell, gotta read up on why that is cause it's not a good thing.
Ivyrash- the paper towel trick worked for my most recent hatch- I went almost dry until day 18 and then put wet papwer towels under the wire at lockdown, and that provided all the humidity necessary, and it wasn't too humid like my first hatch - the two chicks that developed drowned inside the egg from too much humidity - the air sack ws not there when the chicks needed to begin to breathe.
Won't do that again.
The guy who sold me my most recent dozen eggs contacted me to see how I did - and when I told him I had six healthy hatchlings he wanted to do it again - he supplies the eggs and we split the hatch 50/50.
I'm going to see if he'll swap the six newbies for one of his pullets. Free up the brooder for the next bunch and I won't need to grow a bunch of babies that might end up roosters.
I know he's got one brody hen, and he can slip the babies under her at night and let her do the rest.
Hey everyone! I am incubating quail eggs in a cheap low quality chick bator for a little experiment. 3 eggs recieved were infertile. 4 eggs were left. This is the 7th day of incubation. One seems to have died. I still have 3 wriggling embryos alive in this crappy incubator though!
I decided to add some wator to the bator & up the humidity a bit. went from mid 30's to mid 40's, see how that works out. Also received my 2 dozen eggs today, received 25 only 1 was broken. Will be setting those in tomorrow hopefully (Mahogany). I'll candle again tomorrow see if I get a better idea of what's going on with the first batch.
I am incubating peacock eggs I got shipped n mascovy duck eggs that arrived today,is it better the 1st 23ish days to keep humidity low range 30-50% or better to try n hold humidity @ 50%-60%?

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