Behaviors before egglaying?


9 Years
May 4, 2010
Is their any behaviors or things a chicken would do, that would mean it's almost time for it to start laying?

I have an Aracauna that's about 2 months old or so. She's been quite lazy today, and going to sleep.

Maybe a sign of upcoming eggs?
Visiting the nest boxes is one of the signs.(but 2 months she is too young. You have to wait, at least, 4 more months)
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All the previous post are completely correct. However, a possible reason she my seem be slowing down a bit, is becauseof the weather. It's warmer and they do like to lay down to keep cool.
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Yup, 2 months is way too young. You can expect eggs roughly around 24 weeks. Some start a bit earlier, some a bit later.

Comb turning red
Face (around eyes) turning red
Squatting when you reach for them. (they crouch down and put their wings out)
Egg song (sounds like bok bok bok bok BAGAWWWK)
And lastly, when you find an egg! That's a definite sign!
Let me preface this by saying DH culled a pullet for me today that was extremely ill so I'm somewhat of a chicken hypochondriac at the moment.

If you have a two month old who is being "lazy and going to sleep" and this is out of character I would keep an eye on her. If you live in a hot climate then the comment about the heat would probably be spot on. Where I live it's not hot at all (60 and raining like it's monsoon season!) I don't see where you are from so I don't know what your weather is like. I would pay attention to her a bit more over the next couple of days and see how she's doing. If she's getting more sleepy, has abnormal poos, isn't eating or drinking, etc then you could have a sick bird.

Again, it's not my intent to scare anyone. I just lost my second bird today over the same illness so I'm very paranoid. I'm like the poop police out in our coop inspecting everyone's droppings! (Note: the two that I lost were both given to me by the same person. And no, I won't be taking anymore birds from her!)

On the egg note; it is so worth the wait when you get your first one!

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