Nope--I'm pretty tough.
No offense taken...I just maybe left out some important info the first time around so I thought I'd clarify. My parents don't gamble, do drugs or spend money left & right. This is why it's so darn frustrating...there is really nothign to look back on & say--"Oh that is where they went wrong." You know?
I did not read this whole thread, so I apologize if this has been discussed or not of use, however, that said,,,

I read an article online yesterday about a tactic that can delay forclosure indefinitely to give you a chance to get your home back. Three little words

"produce the note".

A lawyer has even published all the necesary forms online for free, so you can download, fill them in, and buy a few months at least! It is worth it to research this info, if buying yourself or your folks some time can help them keep thier home! so many things are done by automation and computers these days, that by making this demand, you force people to become involved, and that takes the clock off of you, and onto the banks!

Try it. And Good Luck!

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