Bella the buff has a limp~


8 Years
Feb 22, 2016
New Hampshire USA
My Coop
My Coop
Yesterday Bella started limping. It was worse today, and she would not join the other hens in foraging in the morning.
I checked her over carefully and no bumblefoot...Her feet were nice and clean and healthy looking. She has not laid her first egg yet, so she was not egg bound.
She seemed not interested in the ritual morning treats with our 3 other buffs...

Poor Bella...

We distracted the other hens and gave her a small bowl of the milk from our morning cereal. She sucked it right up fast! Good!

Online they said to give the hen one half of a baby aspirin, so we did that, hiding it in a grape---Bella's favorite treat. YUM!
We also put a 'hen apron' on her that someone had given us as a gift and we'd never used till now. Bella actually seemed to like it. Maybe it made her feel a little more secure.

She seemed to be falling asleep in a chair outside so we brought her in the house and put her in the dogs' bed with a fan nearby...

After awhile she seemed a little bit 'perkier' and we put her back outside since she was howling a little. We think she must have injured her leg jumping off a perch or something. She sure was happy being petted and carried around by hubby and me this morning~!
Hoping she'll be better in a day or two...
We checked her leg well, and moved it and her foot. It seems fine and she didn't sqwack or pull away or anything. I think possibly a slight sprain or pulled muscle. She is happy as a clam sitting in the chair right now! We're just keeping her quiet and fed and happy, hoping the aspirin helps and she'll be better in a day or so.
Thanks so much for posting. I LOVE to hear from the peeps at this wonderful site! We get so much great help and advice, not to mention the lovely comments on our 'historical coop'~

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