Best brooder floor for baby chicks?


9 Years
Aug 13, 2010
Just wondering...what do you all use for the chicks to walk on in the brooder. I started out with pine shavings, but it keeps getting in the water. Now I am using newspaper with paper towels on top, but after only a few hours it is filthy. Any other suggestions?
i had the same problem

i started them in a small brooder with some old towels when they were little chicks

then i tried paper bedding from the feed store, but they started eating the paper and getting it in their feeder and drinker(to the point of rendering them both useless), so i went back to towels immediately

now i have them in a big brooder made from a kiddy pool and chicken wire while i work on the coop/run, with old sheets and towels in it

it's a pain because i have to change it very frequently, but they will be living outside soon so it's working out i guess

some people elevate the food and water on bricks, or use water nipples or other feeding-drinking systems

browse the forums and use the search box and you'll find lots of pictures and discussion on the subject of bedding
Is there a problem with them being in the water? I usually just let the chickens do whatever they want. If they want to throw pine shavings in their water i let them. Screw it. You have to change the water every day or so anyway so i just clean it out then.
Thanks for all of the suggestions! I think I am going to try sand next. Would play sand be okay?

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