Best Buds (pic overload)

He does not like the mean wolves on Narnia LOL

The yawning means he's getting nervous. :lol: Maybe you should watch Frozen instead. My favorite movie.
:lau yup! They’re some scary wolves tbf! 🤣🤣and surprisingly I don’t think I’ve ever seen that one somehow. Idk how considering how popular it is lol might have to watch it!
I loved Brave. I keep meaning to watch other ones but keep getting pulled into Frozen and Frozen 2. I'm sick and need help. :lol:

I really like The Croods too, but I don't think that's on Disney.
Me too! It was really good. And :lau understandable! I always end up watching the same stuff too lol

I don’t think I saw that one but maybe I could find it.

I loved Tangled too.

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