Best chicks for laying and family friendly

I started with Barred Rocks and Black Sexlinks last fall and they are extremely friendly, with both myself and 3 yr old son. I get a few days a week where I get 12/12 eggs but it's usually 10/12. I would highly recommend them.
I have to throw in Buff Orpingtons! I only have one, I got her when she was 2 months old and she had never been handled by people but she is the sweetest one I have! from day one she would let me pick her up. Also, when I have had to introduce new chickens she is by far the nicest to them, I have never seen her peck, I know that's rare. She also the first to come running when I have treats!
I am not sure what source you are planning to get the chicks from but I am guessing you are going to order pullet chicks not a strait run that might have roosters. The advantage of red/black sexlink is they lay a lot and can be sexed by feather color as chicks. That said I love my orpingtons, even the roosters are sweet. But it is fun to get a few kinds and raise them together.
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Any secrets of getting friendly birds ? I am planning to get Easter Eggers
Does your produce a lot of eggs? I am new to chickens . Getting mine April 16, 2013. And any good chicken coop planes or ideas.
Getting five.
The big secret to friendly chickens is to raise them to be that way. First rule is to set up your brooder so you can approach and handle the chicks from the side. If you have a brooder on the floor with a top access, it will activate the baby chicks natural fear of predators from the sky, and they'll run screeching from you when you go to handle them. They need to see you at their level to know it's safe to be picked up.

The first few times you handle them, extend an open hand slowly toward them, coming to rest at the tips of their toes. Give the tiny feet a slight nudge until the chick naturally climbs onto your hand. Slowly bring your hand with the chick toward you and cup your hands around it. Each time after that will get easier and the chick will come to trust your hand and will climb right on.

Then handle them frequently every day. This is more important than what breeds you might choose, although choosing a friendly breed certainly helps.
My blue andalusian and buff orpington have been the friendliest. But the blue andalusian (goosey) wins out she jumps up in my lap and always stays next to me.
My blue andalusian and buff orpington have been the friendliest. But the blue andalusian (goosey) wins out she jumps up in my lap and always stays next to me.
I heard the complete opposite about Blue A. that they are flighty, noisy, don't tolerate confinement and not calm that wrong? I love my Barred Rocks, Buff Orps best. and Spec Sussex's are nice too I am new to owning but my girlfriend raises hens on her farm =)
I heard the complete opposite about Blue A. that they are flighty, noisy, don't tolerate confinement and not calm that wrong? I love my Barred Rocks, Buff Orps best. and Spec Sussex's are nice too I am new to owning but my girlfriend raises hens on her farm =)
It might be true but I've also heard it just depends on the chicken. I know that RIR are suppose to be mean birds but there are people on here who have RIR roosters who are sweethearts. My little goosey is jumpy but still gets in my lap or on my shoulder, and is always near by. She is the only one of my chicks so far that will fly up to me.
It might be true but I've also heard it just depends on the chicken. I know that RIR are suppose to be mean birds but there are people on here who have RIR roosters who are sweethearts. My little goosey is jumpy but still gets in my lap or on my shoulder, and is always near by. She is the only one of my chicks so far that will fly up to me.
I totally get that the first BR I had that ended up being a ROO was SOO sweet and now the BR hen I got wont come near me LOL also
I meant to say my husband and I are new to owning chicks but a girlfriend of ours has a farm where she raises hens. (mightve been confusing for those of you knowing im married saying "my girlfriend" lol shes a friend =) haha

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