Best duck feed options?


5 Years
Jul 2, 2019
Hey! I'm just looking for a general conversation about what fees you use for your ducks?! I have 1 drake and 4 hens. Currently they get basic dumor chicken layer feed with access to egg shells and or oyster shells as wanted and then they get all flock feed once laying season is done.
I've recently become worried that perhaps ilthey are not getting adequate vitamins and nutrition with the layer feed I get.
They do get some free range time daily - 1-3 hours but are in a pen otherwise for protection
What has been your experiences with various feeds/brands? Any issues with health or laying with specific kinds?
Does your drake also get the layer feed? Most people feed duck feed such as Purina or mazuri.
Yes he does. I know that's not the best option for him and I dread the idea of him getting sick especially since he's real mean and it would be near impossible to treat him. but I'm terrified of my girls having laying issues that compromise their health. So I got no idea what the best option is. They are all three years olf and are daily layers for the most part. Eggs are not important to me as they are my babies first and foremost but one of my Roens had been having thin shelled eggs consistently and laying in the evening despite layer feed free access to oyster shells and crushed egg shell "treats". The others are fine but the only thing I can come up with is that she's getting too much or too little of something.

Obviously I loose sleep over this haha I have a vet apt but not until the following weekend so I'm trying to problem solve until then.
Out in my area I had to switch from feed to feed depending on what is available. But I found their feather quality dropped with feed with lower protein content. I use a local brand with higher protein levels and found their feather quality increase. I would try other brands for a month or so and see how it effects their feather quality. Also look at how much naicin your feed has. It sometimes takes a bit of research to find out how the feed contains.

Layer feeds in particular are not made with ducks in mind but chickens instead. Most feed all flock with oyster shells on the side.
i feed “kalmbach duck and goose” and it’s a high quality, healthy feed! layer feed is extremely bad for drakes, oyster shells on the side is the best option for your girls

“mazuri maintenance” is also good. just ordered a bag to try out for my ducks, since i’ve heard it’s cleaner than pellets and my boys are messy😅
Yes he does. I know that's not the best option for him and I dread the idea of him getting sick especially since he's real mean and it would be near impossible to treat him. but I'm terrified of my girls having laying issues that compromise their health. So I got no idea what the best option is. They are all three years olf and are daily layers for the most part. Eggs are not important to me as they are my babies first and foremost but one of my Roens had been having thin shelled eggs consistently and laying in the evening despite layer feed free access to oyster shells and crushed egg shell "treats". The others are fine but the only thing I can come up with is that she's getting too much or too little of something.

Obviously I loose sleep over this haha I have a vet apt but not until the following weekend so I'm trying to problem solve until then.
If they haven't taken a break, they made need extra calcium supplemented. My pekin has not taken a break this last year and didn't even molt. I give her calcium citrate every day to supplement her calcium levels. Her shells are still thinner, but she doesn't have soft shelled eggs with the supplements and there is more color in her beak.
i feed “kalmbach duck and goose” and it’s a high quality, healthy feed! layer feed is extremely bad for drakes, oyster shells on the side is the best option for your girls

“mazuri maintenance” is also good. just ordered a bag to try out for my ducks, since i’ve heard it’s cleaner than pellets and my boys are messy😅
My girls don't seem to love they oyster shells very much I've noticed. They eat egg shells up like they are frozen peas though! Haha maybe a different brand of oyster shells will be the answer though
If they haven't taken a break, they made need extra calcium supplemented. My pekin has not taken a break this last year and didn't even molt. I give her calcium citrate every day to supplement her calcium levels. Her shells are still thinner, but she doesn't have soft shelled eggs with the supplements and there is more color in her beak.
Where do you get calcium citrate? How do you know how much to give?

My girls have typically molted In august or September before laying briefly again until quiting for the year.
I just went on the same search a couple of weeks ago! My adult ducks were getting chicken grower feed supplemented with nutritional yeast for the needed niacin, but I wanted something the whole flock would do well with (chickens also) and ordered Kalmbach 20% Flock Maker. So far they love it. I chose the non-GMO version, and ordered through Chewy.

It isn't the least expensive option out there, but it isn't the most expensive by far, and most folks seem to rate it highly.

I give them oyster shell on the side so the laying girls can get the extra calcium they need, but the roosters and drakes are safe.
My girls don't seem to love they oyster shells very much I've noticed. They eat egg shells up like they are frozen peas though! Haha maybe a different brand of oyster shells will be the answer though

Where do you get calcium citrate? How do you know how much to give?

My girls have typically molted In august or September before laying briefly again until quiting for the year.
You can get calcium citrate at any pharmacy and likely any grocery store. The dosage is 50 mg per pound orally once or twice a day. I do it just once a day and as long as she is having issues, which for her is all the time.
I feed all flock with oyster free choice, and I now supplement calcium gluconate because I have had an awful time figuring out egg laying issues with my ducks. My ducks are kept with my chickens (for now). We tried to separate them at first, but the ducks wouldn't have it. We plan to change that soon. I have 2 roosters and a handful of 8 week old chicks, so I don't feed layer.

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