Best duck feeder


In the Brooder
Aug 3, 2016
Hi! My naughty 5 wk olds have decided that their plastic tub holding their food is rubbish and kick it over the moment I fill it! All the ones I'm looking at seem to be more suitable to chickens! All advice would be great. I live in England.
I use a dog food bowl. Let me see if I can find an image. It's the no-tip kind.

I have also used large bowls and put a washed rock in it. I mean a 2 kilogram rock.

I am not advertising this web site - just want to show you something similar to what I have - I got mine at a Job Lots store, the ones where you don't know what they have before you go, but it will be inexpensive.
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I use a 3 gallon rubber bowl. All of my duck are adults and they havn't tip it over!
I hated it when my ducks were that age. They got everything dirty and wet!
Good luck!
I bought goat troughs[feeders] at TSC they are long with a metal hinge that keeps the chickens from getting into the feed and scratching it all over the place and lets about 5-6 ducks eat at once. Easy to clean too. I have mine hanging over a 2X4 . When you have additional poultry besides just water fowl you have to think outside of the box and when I saw these at TSC I had to try one I liked it so well I bought 2 more. I don't put their water buckets right next to their feeders they have to walk to get to their water so they aren't making such a mess in their feeder either.
These are great! Thank you! And what do you use as a water feeder? Everything I google just comes up as suitable for chickens!
Currently they are using a dog bowl.
I have a 5 gallon waterer but my ducks drink up the water so fast! So mainly I just use a kidde pool.
I have been trying to find a bigger waterer for them.
Here is their setup.

If you can get a narrower bucket that comes up to about 2" below the ducks' "chin", they can get their heads in there to drink but won't be able to cimb in to swim. But you always need to keep it topped off.
I personally just use the same 3 gallon rubber bowl for their water. Sure, they splash around in it, but I keep it on top of patio blocks so there's no mud.
If you don't want them to climb in it, place an upside down ceramic bowl or crock in the middle so there's no room to swim but leaves plenty of room around the edge to drink and dunk their heads.
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