Best Hen Contest

Fleur my Crèvecœur! Super sweet but is a lawn mower. She had grass in her mouth in this photo :lau
Just curious, how did you do that? Most grocery store eggs aren’t fertile, I’m sure.
Bought fertilized eggs at our local grocery store on a whim. The eggs were from a large egg producer sent over by ship from California and were at least 2 weeks on the way. She was the only one that hatched out of 6 eggs, though 3 developed. Really a miracle that she hatched. 🙂
Hey guys! If you have heard of my previous and on going Cutest Chick Contests, then you should enter my Best Hen Contest! Like my other contests, there is a first place, second, and third place winner! It is just for fun so there are no prizes. Here are the rules:


Only hens are allowed (over 4 months)
You can have unlimited entries
You have to state the name and breed of the hen
Entries are cut August 30 11:59 p.m.

HAVE FUN! May the best hen win!
This is pom pom, about five months old. She is a white crested polish. She is a flighty hen whom isn't very social. Her original owner had her lined up for the dinner table because she was bullying her flockmates. But we offered to take her because since she was so young, starting anew with a new flock had a chance of fixing her behavior. And it did. She is our first polish to.
Meyer Hatchery? I hear they are one of the best! They say it’s a 3 chick minimum!😁
Oh man i do not have room or yard space haha
Meyers is definitely a great choice! I don't order from hatcheries often, but they have had the absolute best selection of chicks so far. They always come extremely healthy and chirping, and they have the best quality chicks in my opinion.
I think they give a small order fee (less than 15 chicks) but you can still order just 3.
This is Lucky, she is a four-year-old Barred Plymouth Rock. I named her Lucky, because when I got my first flock of chickens. They were barely a year old, when they got sick. Five out of nine ended up dying, but Lucky was one of the remaining four. She got really sick, and I tried to give her medicine water, but she wouldn't drink it. I thought that she was going to die too. Then, I found a four leaf clover, and I dangled in front of her, then I dropped it into the medicine water. She tried to eat it out of the medicine water but then she started drinking the water instead. She got better soon after and I named her Lucky because she survived, because she was saved by a four leaf clover, and because she was the only one of three Barred Rocks to survive the disease. She is still laying a fair amount of eggs even though she is four years old and she is a sweet girl who runs to me whenever she sees me. She is now the last chicken from my original flock.
Lucky (6).JPG
This is Lucky, she is a four-year-old Barred Plymouth Rock. I named her Lucky, because when I got my first flock of chickens. They were barely a year old, when they got sick. Five out of nine ended up dying, but Lucky was one of the remaining four. She got really sick, and I tried to give her medicine water, but she wouldn't drink it. I thought that she was going to die too. Then, I found a four leaf clover, and I dangled in front of her, then I dropped it into the medicine water. She tried to eat it out of the medicine water but then she started drinking the water instead. She got better soon after and I named her Lucky because she survived, because she was saved by a four leaf clover, and because she was the only one of three Barred Rocks to survive the disease. She is still laying a fair amount of eggs even though she is four years old and she is a sweet girl who runs to me whenever she sees me. She is now the last chicken from my original flock.
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Such a sweet story!❤️

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