Best Lookin' Chicken Contest!

Frances Salazar Today at 11:44 am
Best looking twins.
Name: Henrietta & Penelope
Breed: White Leghorns
Category: Best chickens
Age: 6 months

Frances Salazar Today at 11:44 am
Name: Henrietta
Breed: White Leghorns
Category: Best chickens
Age: 6 months

Frances Salazar Today at 11:44 am
Name: Penelope
Breed: White Leghorns
Category: Best chickens
Age: 6 months

Frances Salazar Today at 11:44 am
Name: Penelope
Breed: White Leghorns
Category: Best chickens
Age: 6 months

Name: Chubb Chubbs
Breed: Americana
Gender: Hen (chick)
Age: In the picture 1 week now she is almost a year

Name: Bonita
Breed:Buff Brahma
Gender: Hen (chick)
Age: 1 week in picture almost a year now

Same info. as above

Name: Amelia Badelia
Gender: Hen
Breed: Colombian Rock Cross
Age: 1 year (almost 2)

Name: Einstein
Gender: Hen
Age: 1 almost 2 years old
Breed: Buff Orpington
Orpington hen, Keyra, a exceptional Juiblee hen...she enjoys taking care of all the baby chicks. One year old.
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