best price on cartons


11 Years
Aug 2, 2008
South Central KY
Has anybody found a better price on egg carton than what has? The best I found on blank cartons (paper, the foam was higher) $64.95 plus just under $20 shipping. Misprints, $37.95, same shipping of course, a lot better price, but I'm waiting to find out if I can legally use those, with my own label covering the misprint.

I haven't checked ebay yet, that's next.
I have been disappointed on the carton prices i have found, so i will be following your thread to see if you get any good responses.

I try to tell myself that if my customers bring back the cartons to be refilled, that will make them cost a lot less per dozen, but i don't think i've convinced myself yet.
This is where I just bought mine from!! I liked the fact of the free shipping since even though I found them cheaper other places with shipping they were way more experience!! I ordered them Saturday, they were shipped on Monday and I received them on Thursday!!

Most of the ones they had on ebay were used and I really didn't like that!

While we're talking egg cartons...

I was just on, looking at what they call "pillo-post" egg cartons. Does anyone know what that means? How is that different from the regular pulp cartons? If they're not sub-standard for some reason, they're a pretty good deal - and free shipping.
Thank you so much! This is better, they even have Super Jumbo's that my monster eggs will fit into. I get a lot of double yolkers, and they just don't fit the regular cartons, even the jumbos. I like that you can get a choice of sizes and carton types in the misprint cartons. Others, with misprints, it's just luck of the draw what you get.

PunkinPeep, the pillo-post cartons are the ones with the little "pillars" or "posts" between the egg cups. They keep the eggs from getting crushed as easily if something get set on top of the carton, or if you're stacking them for storage or transport. They're good cartons, I have a bunch from another place.
Thank you so much! This is better, they even have Super Jumbo's that my monster eggs will fit into. I get a lot of double yolkers, and they just don't fit the regular cartons, even the jumbos. I like that you can get a choice of sizes and carton types in the misprint cartons. Others, with misprints, it's just luck of the draw what you get.

PunkinPeep, the pillo-post cartons are the ones with the little "pillars" or "posts" between the egg cups. They keep the eggs from getting crushed as easily if something get set on top of the carton, or if you're stacking them for storage or transport. They're good cartons, I have a bunch from another place.

The pillo-post may be good for shipping hatching eggs as there would be less chance to crush or cracka n egg. Justa thought.

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