Best way to discourage a bunny from peeing on you?

Oncoming Storm

5 Years
Jun 3, 2019
So I guess I have grossophobia because I can handle a lot but I DO NOT want to be peed on by my rabbit. I usually use a thick blanket, towel or folded sheet when snuggling with Snickles. This can make it become kind of a chore because you have to make sure there’s enough towels and such and immediately wash any soiled cloth. Not to mention my mother HATES the smell of pee of any animal so I’m paranoid to let Snickles wander anywhere except my lap and a supervised area without carpet. He is semi litter trained. I say that meaning that he uses it but he’s not fixed so....yeah. He does pretty well with the box in his cage but I’m not sure he’d use it in a larger area. Is there a way to keep him from peeing on me or the couch if I let him wander a bit? He was polite enough one time to crawl halfway off me and pee off the side of my leg onto the blanket.
Also side note. Does he look relaxed? He’s stretched across my lap and he doesn’t feel tense. He got pretty freaked when I moved him to clean his cage and I want to let him wind down.
Well, the first thing you should do is get him fixed. That will help a lot.
Then, you have to get him fully litter box trained. It might take some time, but it is absolutely doable. You should be able to get him to a point where he will let you know that he has to go pee, before actually going.
In that picture he looks relaxed. His eyes are partially closed, and he's in a resting position. A fully relaxed rabbit will lay completely on its stomach with its hind legs stretched out behind it. Or, it will even lay on its side.
Well, the first thing you should do is get him fixed. That will help a lot.
Then, you have to get him fully litter box trained. It might take some time, but it is absolutely doable. You should be able to get him to a point where he will let you know that he has to go pee, before actually going.
In that picture he looks relaxed. His eyes are partially closed, and he's in a resting position. A fully relaxed rabbit will lay completely on its stomach with its hind legs stretched out behind it. Or, it will even lay on its side.
Do standard vets and spay/neuter clinics work with rabbits? Or do you have to find a special clinic?
Call around. A lot of clinics that do other companion animals will do rabbits, but not all. :)

neutering will definitely make a difference in his peeing behaviour, as well as in the smell! Although, rabbit urine is still one of those funky smells that just ...🤢 lol.

he’s adorable by the way. :)
Call around. A lot of clinics that do other companion animals will do rabbits, but not all. :)

neutering will definitely make a difference in his peeing behaviour, as well as in the smell! Although, rabbit urine is still one of those funky smells that just ...🤢 lol.

he’s adorable by the way. :)
Thank you! I’ll definitely have to pitch this to my mom if it affects the smell.
Currently I’m getting fussed at because I stopped petting him to throw my dogs toy so he’d stop getting in Snickles’ face. XD
Having him litterbox trained works well, but accidents still happen. You are going to get peed on eventually. I'm sorry to say, but if you ever want any pet you have to face that. Sorry if this seems harsh.

He is adorable, by the way! :love
Having him litterbox trained works well, but accidents still happen. You are going to get peed on eventually. I'm sorry to say, but if you ever want any pet you have to face that. Sorry if this seems harsh.

He is adorable, by the way! :love
Oh no I’ve already accepted that. I grew up with a guinea pig. Bless her soul. Having chickens also battles that. [when the chicks poop on your freshly cleaned pants] I’m just asking for ways to keep that happening most of the time you know?? And if I’m honest, I’d rather him pee on me than the floor. I’m easier to clean :/.
Oh no I’ve already accepted that. I grew up with a guinea pig. Bless her soul. Having chickens also battles that. [when the chicks poop on your freshly cleaned pants] I’m just asking for ways to keep that happening most of the time you know?? And if I’m honest, I’d rather him pee on me than the floor. I’m easier to clean :/.
Glad you are used to that. In that case, the only way you can tell you are about to get released on is the sudden warmness in your pants. But getting him fixed might do something. Once again, your rabbit is adorable!
My adult male rabbits enjoy running around spraying everything with urine, including me if I'm in the way. How old is your rabbit? I would definitely get him neutered if you plan to keep him in the house.
My adult male rabbits enjoy running around spraying everything with urine, including me if I'm in the way. How old is your rabbit? I would definitely get him neutered if you plan to keep him in the house.
Roughly a year and a half. I’ve never had an issue with him spraying anywhere except his litter box.

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