best way to put a chick out of its miserey?

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Guide to Assisted Hatching for All Poultry

If you suspect some of the others are stuck, it'd be in your best interest to read over this two or three times. I've been guided by this and still keep it handy anytime I'm incubating eggs. If your chick is stuck and manages to escape, that can cause problems as well. I had one that escaped out of a hole instead of zipping around the egg and breaking it open. With this straining, I 100% believe that caused an issue with her naval and legs. She's OK now, but the outcome varies. It's a good idea to become familiar with all aspects of hatching ( learning about the behind the scenes aspects of incubation are usually studied first but since you're at hatching now, go ahead and dive into this).
There are many amazing folks here that will help, so keep us updated. You may want to start another thread under incubating/hatching to discuss this. I'm cheering for the others to have a successful hatch. I hope the little one suffering won't have to suffer long
I second that. Had to use it myself last night. But warning to op, this isn't a cure all. Sometimes chicks don't hatch for a reason unfortunately.
That's a great clean and humane cull method! I've had to do several and it's necessary but never easy.
Man... i tried... i couldn't... the little guy was peeping and my heart broke... my parents saw me and told me killing a baby chick like that is like killing a human.... they told me to leave it in the garden so it can calm until a cat comes to eat it.... is that good?
hi i have a baby chick who has a balance problem... her legs are weird and she cannot stand at all.... ive not slept for a day trying to get this chick to eat something but nothing worked.... my heart is aching.... ive searched a painless way to kill a baby chick and it was cutting their head.... i really cannot do that..... like forreal i will get a panic attack and probably a heart attack too if i ever kill a baby chick... is it okay if i leave her next to me and blow warm air on her until the day she dies of hunger? please help me
I have unfortunately had to put down a few in my life. In my mind pellet or by gun to head is quickest way, and I know they don't feel anything. Granted it's a chick so they do spasm a bit after just from reflexes, but I know once its shot its gone and didn't feel it. Please don't starve it. Just a quick put down is most humane
Man... i tried... i couldn't... the little guy was peeping and my heart broke... my parents saw me and told me killing a baby chick like that is like killing a human.... they told me to leave it in the garden so it can calm until a cat comes to eat it.... is that good?
I'm sorry but that's cruel. More painful then just ending it's life quickly. Cats don't always instantly kill their prey. And doing that runs the risk of attracting more preds to your yard. Even if it's just one.
Man... i tried... i couldn't... the little guy was peeping and my heart broke... my parents saw me and told me killing a baby chick like that is like killing a human.... they told me to leave it in the garden so it can calm until a cat comes to eat it.... is that good?
I think everyone here has been honest and as nice about it as they can. You need to cull the chick, and no, letting a cat or another animal come around and tear it apart is not good or humane. The chick will suffer so much more. It would be easier for you, not for the chick.
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