Bethlehem, PA Chicken Laws & Ordinance


May 17, 2020
Hello everyone and thanks for welcoming me to your group. Like many people during this health crisis, I started feeling really depressed and it was starting to affect my work and relationship at home. I luckily came across a coworker's hatchery on Instagram. She had the cutest little baby chicks. I was so down and when I saw them, I started to remember my younger years back home and decided what the heck, I'll go get one. Then, I remembered that they love company and went for two. Taking the kids to pick them up was a big mistake because I came home with 5. Each on of them has their own personality and they are attached to different members of the family. What I didn't think about at all was the chicken laws & ordinance here in this City. Now, I'm worried that if a neighbor finds out, they will rat me out. I have become so attached to them that I have even considered moving out of this house but until the crisis is over, I'm not sure what to do. I've even considered buying a small lot just for them. I read this very helpful article but I don't really know anyone in town and I don't know where to begin.
This woman just posted about an online class she is going to be teaching, but more applicable to you, she has experience with introducing chicken ordinances. This is her BYC post:
and this is her website:

If you read down on that page there is a link to what she helped create at Sommerville, MA.

Thank you. :)
Hello everyone and thanks for welcoming me to your group. Like many people during this health crisis, I started feeling really depressed and it was starting to affect my work and relationship at home. I luckily came across a coworker's hatchery on Instagram. She had the cutest little baby chicks. I was so down and when I saw them, I started to remember my younger years back home and decided what the heck, I'll go get one. Then, I remembered that they love company and went for two. Taking the kids to pick them up was a big mistake because I came home with 5. Each on of them has their own personality and they are attached to different members of the family. What I didn't think about at all was the chicken laws & ordinance here in this City. Now, I'm worried that if a neighbor finds out, they will rat me out. I have become so attached to them that I have even considered moving out of this house but until the crisis is over, I'm not sure what to do. I've even considered buying a small lot just for them. I read this very helpful article but I don't really know anyone in town and I don't know where to begin.
I’m also in Bethlehem PA and have been wanting chickens for years. I’m now in a house where I could have them but the ordinances are making us worried. I’ve been considering attempting to go through the process of getting the city to update their laws on chickens. Do you still have your chickens? How’s it going for you? I’d love to hear!
Hello everyone and thanks for welcoming me to your group. Like many people during this health crisis, I started feeling really depressed and it was starting to affect my work and relationship at home. I luckily came across a coworker's hatchery on Instagram. She had the cutest little baby chicks. I was so down and when I saw them, I started to remember my younger years back home and decided what the heck, I'll go get one. Then, I remembered that they love company and went for two. Taking the kids to pick them up was a big mistake because I came home with 5. Each on of them has their own personality and they are attached to different members of the family. What I didn't think about at all was the chicken laws & ordinance here in this City. Now, I'm worried that if a neighbor finds out, they will rat me out. I have become so attached to them that I have even considered moving out of this house but until the crisis is over, I'm not sure what to do. I've even considered buying a small lot just for them. I read this very helpful article but I don't really know anyone in town and I don't know where to begin.
Hi I am on Bethlehem City Council and I am considering proposing and ordinance that will allow backyard chickens. Please contact me if you are interested in helping move this forward. [email protected].

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