Better to put on side of house or out back?

When you have chickens in a coop. It makes no difference where they poop. LOL
Look for shade, drainage, run space, compost poop disposal...
If that is close to the house oh well.
If you set up right, and its not hard to do, there will be no smell to speak of and no predators are getting in the coop. So it doesn't matter where they poop
Another thing to think about when choosing a location is how you will have to tend to your chickens 365 days per year no matter how horrible the weather -- in blistering heat and driving rain and heavy snow.

AMEN to this one!

I posted elsewhere that I felt like my chicken's servant yesterday going out in 110˚ weather every hour or so to tend to their comfort. But, joking aside, this is the contract we make with them. They provide eggs and perhaps meat. We make sure they have good living conditions in return.
Avoid swampy ground, even if it's 'seasonal'.
You probably want power for a heated waterer, don't need to heat the coop tho.
You don't need a hose to reach coop, I just carry out a gallon jug daily, filled in the warmth of the house.

Remember snow, want to slog thru it every day, or shovel a path?
Same with size of coop and weather proofing the run.
Those days long blizzards can be confining, ChickenCabinFever is Real, and it can get ugly.

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