Big Announcement: BYC & Mark Zuckerberg / Facebook Partnership - BeakBook - April fool's 2013

I truly have a mixed bag of feelings on some key issues and guidelines. Facebook allows very open usage and content of what could be inappropriate subject matter and verbage that might be offensive to adults and children. Facebook does not conform to the same rules of conduct you ask from the members of BYC. Although it has many useful tools for open communication, it lacks discipline and or screening of its users content that is posted for all eyes within the viewing audience. I know many people that refuse to use Facebook because the personal information or context of what you write can become open to the public forum. Facebook can be a very good way to promote the acceptance of chickens in rural communities. I only ask that you use caution to the wind in your thought processes. I very much like the title "BeakBook".
In todays modern world a lot of "restraints" and or "restrictions" are placed on living within a rural community known as city life. Personal freedoms are controlled by city ordinance guidlines and boundaries we are directed to abide by while living there. The norms of society are an ever challenging debate on how our freedoms are controlled as to how we shall live and what we are allowed to do in life.
The question arises, "Why can't I raise a "Back Yard Chicken"? Truly a challenge to city ordinances as to why this freedom was revoked when rural subdivisions and cities were developed. Chickens fall under the category of livestock and not domestic pets and such. The term "Agricultural" property can be applied if you contain livestock within city limits. This brought about major concerns of tax and insurance concerns. Therefore persons not owning a recognized farm structure were restricted from owning livestock within all cities.
New lines of communication and thinking are being tested constantly to overturn past laws governing rural chicken raising in backyards so to speak. I would hope this is the context of "BeakBook" and what you are trying to achieve. Educating people and schooling their thoughts are vital to regaining this lost freedom.
I come here to get away from Facebook. Frankly Zuckerburg took privacy away, made Facebook a spy program and is not in anyone's best interest. My thoughts on the matter
It's your site, so I guess you'll do as you think best.
One request, could you please make unsubscribing easier that it is to unsubscribe on FB?
Ironically, our family and friends just went through that rig-a-mo-role on FB trying to unsubscribe. The reasons stated in the previous post, from privacy to lunacy were the driving decision maker for us.
We will surely miss you and the site, but will not be able to affiliate our time and business with you if the big Z man is involved. Sorry.
I like the idea of working with someone like Mark who has the presence to bring attention to backyard chickens. My concern is the massiveness of FB and some of the less than savory stuff that often shows up there. BeakBook sounds like a cool name but how will it be different than BYC content wise?
Does this mean BYC goes away or is it just another avenue for poultry lovers to reach out? If it means BYC goes away then it is a BAD thing. I f it expands the poultry community then it might be a good thing.
This is a terrible plan. BYC is a brilliant resource and wonderful community. Turning it into a Facebook spin-off with any name, let alone a crass and stupid title like 'Beakbook' is bound to be its downfall. Sure it will attract a whole new membership - but you will lose the treasured, valued and highly respected people who make BYC what it is now. Facebook has a dire reputation on privacy issues. I do use it occasionally and have liked BYC's page, but why oh why do you feel the need to fix something that isn't broken? Selling out to the Zuckerberg machine will prove to be the worst decision you ever made - oh, but every backyard will have a few miserable chooks and because they've been raised to the pet status of dogs and cats, they're out of the food chain too (do you eat your canine and feline pets??). What a shame for everyone who worked so hard to make BYC fabulous.

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