Big Bang Theory!

I thought it was one of the best episodes they've had. I saved it for my husband to watch when he gets home. That monkey was great!
A new episode tomorrow!!

The Wildebeest Implementation

I loved the smoking monkey too, although watching it made me want to cough. DH was convinced they'd get reams of hate mail over that monkey. I pointed out that the smoke looked colored-in to me and anyone who thinks they'd let an actual monkey smoke on an actual theatre set needs to get a life! But he's right; They probably will get hate mail.
I really liked that reboot option, where you restore a relationship to the point that it was last functioning correctly and move on from there. That was a cool concept.
Where was THAT idea when we needed it, right??


And the corresponding willingness of a partner to participate in such a concept.
Hysterical episode!

As to the monkey, it is all on the vanity card -

Dear Concerned Viewers,

Thanks to the magic of computer graphics, the monkey in tonight's episode was not actually smoking a cigarette, nor was he ever exposed to secondhand smoke. At all times, every effort was made to make the monkey feel happy and safe. Nevertheless, he proved impossible to work with. During the week of production his behavior became increasingly erratic, to the point of refusing to come out of his trailer to rehearse. It wasn't until after we finished filming his scenes that we learned why. The monkey is a heroin addict. Yes, hard as it may be to believe, the monkey had a monkey on his back. Thankfully, an intervention was staged by the Geico lizard and he is now going through detox and a twelve step program at the Bonzo Center in Palm Springs. Everyone at The Big Bang Theory wishes him well.

Chuck Lorre really has his hands full of monkeys!
I'm surprised he didn't say the monkey was now appearing in a series of concerts throughout the country and had his own web cam site.

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