Big clucking problem in Gaithersburg


8 Years
May 25, 2014
Made front page news of the Sentinel: "Big clucking problem in Gaithersburg"

The fundamental issue is:

1) You cannot ban roosters and still allow hens. That's because nobody really knows how to sex a chicken and many hens have large combs. An explicit rooster ban puts all hens at risk with phone calls "I see a rooster."

2) Roosters are very cool and they don't have to crow. When they do crow, they are 90 decibels, the same as a dog... so how come dogs are not banned?

3) General noise nuisance laws apply to all animals, why make species or gender specific legislation?

Ladies and gentleman, we have a "republic" that protects individual rights such as owning property and pets. We are not a "democracy"

Let's keep things simple, only make a few important laws that are truly necessary, let's stop trying to to turn every municipality into one large HOA.
Made front page news of the Sentinel: "Big clucking problem in Gaithersburg"

The fundamental issue is:

1) You cannot ban roosters and still allow hens. That's because nobody really knows how to sex a chicken and many hens have large combs. An explicit rooster ban puts all hens at risk with phone calls "I see a rooster."

2) Roosters are very cool and they don't have to crow. When they do crow, they are 90 decibels, the same as a dog... so how come dogs are not banned?

3) General noise nuisance laws apply to all animals, why make species or gender specific legislation?

Ladies and gentleman, we have a "republic" that protects individual rights such as owning property and pets. We are not a "democracy"

Let's keep things simple, only make a few important laws that are truly necessary, let's stop trying to to turn every municipality into one large HOA.
1 - yes, you can - many places do. No hens will be "at risk" - any reports will be investigated and the truth will be seen. It really isn't that complicated
It's not so easy to tell:

And if there is no crowing, what difference does it make?

I'm ok with an ordinance that bans "crowing roosters" but not with an outright ban.

Roosters are delightful, and if they aren't making a lot of noise, they should be accepted.
For completeness, the "letter to the editor" was printed but is not online. Here is that letter:


Letter to the Editor - Concentration Camps

My son asked the City of Gaithersburg to declare May the 4th "International Respect for Chickens Day." Akiva said store bought eggs come from chickens in concentration camps.

International Respect For Chickens Day:

Council Member Ryan Spiegel was offended. He equated the Holocaust to our words.

As a civilization, it is a big win that the word "concentration camp" immediately makes us recall the Holocaust. The Holocaust should never be forgotten because it was much more than concentration camps, it was also the systematic slaughter of people because of their beliefs or genetics.

The word "Holocaust" should be accepted and spoken openly. Which would you rather have? People who deny that it happened? Or people who compare the Holocaust to other atrocities? When they compare, they aren't saying any circumstance is equal to the Holocaust... they are merely saying "look at what can happen" in a concise manner.

I would never claim that the life of a chicken is equal to the life of a human. I do claim that a chicken's life matters. I claim that suffering on any level, if it can be prevented, should be stopped. There is no line to be drawn on how many have to suffer before we oppose injustice.

I am a product of the "Trail of Tears" and the "Holocaust." The love child of a Cherokee and a Jew. In 1838, President Van Buren interned my ancestors in concentration camps. I have not forgotten Fort Cass. Thank you Ralph Waldo Emerson for trying to help:

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