BIG FLUFFY flock dog pups- pic heavy

That beautiful, Sable girl is coming to live in the "Bluff Country" of SE Minnesota, where she will be welcomed into the family of two other dogs, two cats, a flock of Mille Fleur Cochin project chickens as well as a small flock of "Backyard" chickens and 15 Shetland sheep.

We're gonna love her SO much!!!

If you'd like to see where "Sable" will be living, visit my blogs (one for sheep, one for chickens!) ~ the links are in my signature line.

I can't wait to bring my big, beautiful, fur ball home!!!

(oh, MY! Does this mean I've officially made up my mind?)
I guess it DOES!

* Please stay tuned for future pleas for financial assistance with dog food bills! *
Oh I LOVE the blogs! Your "Trouble" looks just like the little mille guy I got from Ione. Wish I could take pics like that! So happy the round girl is going to a good home
I was just going through all the emails we've sent back and forth and saw the one that says Sable is the biggest of the girls. I LOVE that! The bigger the better!

Could you please just put her in the car and bring her here this weekend? I've got a guest room and I'll put you up for the night.

No Charge!!

(I'm just that kind of girl)

No- this trip he's going to Florida & Louisiana, and back up through the Carolinas. Sorry

UPDATE: the pups are all sleeping happily in a doorless crate. Hoping this will make it less stressful for transport & crate training. They have also been getting baths once a week (like to play in the puppy food). I have found that if you start early, they're alot easier to handle when bigger.
UPDATE: the pups are all sleeping happily in a doorless crate. Hoping this will make it less stressful for transport & crate training. They have also been getting baths once a week (like to play in the puppy food). I have found that if you start early, they're alot easier to handle when bigger.


That's a good one to get them used to. I so hate trimming toenails. Especially black ones! I'm sure that Sable's are black.
I tend to get lazy and just take the dogs for walks down the road to let the concrete (or blacktop) file them....


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