Big huge spider on me last night!!!


10 Years
Mar 25, 2009
Marana, Arizona
Here is my story:

I went to bed later then usual last night because I was hooked on Farm Town for hours. LOL. Thank god I did because who knows what would have happened.

I went to bed at 10:30 and couldn't really fall asleep (thinking about Farm Town)
Anyway, next thing I knew I felt some really big crawl across my hand! I screamed and just up so fast, turned on the bathroom light and by this time my husband woke up and said "what's your problem", I said there is a big bug spider or something! It just crawled across my hand! He said "there is no bug", so, I am moving my pillow, sheets, blankets, searching for this whatever it was, a couple minutes later still didn't see anything and I was about to shut off the light and something told me to move the sheet away from the wall and so I did, well let me tell you! There was a HUGE freakin spider!!! I said "there it is, get it"! Well he saw it and jump up and just stared at it for a minute, grabbed a shirt out of the laundry basket and he really didn't know what to do at this point because I'm yelling to kill it and he didn't want to smash it into the bed, by this time that huge spider was in the middle of my bed, he finally grabbed it with that shirt and ran it outside and threw it on the porch. Ok, well at least it was out of my bed, but on the porch! It's probably going to come back in my house and get back on my bed.
. So, after just really freaking out, I went back to my room and left the bathroom light on so if anything else was going to crawl on me I would be able to see it. Hubby was not happy about that. So, needless to say I didn't get much sleep last night, and when I get home I am going to spray my whole house again.
. I looked the spider up online this morning and it was probably a wolf spider, a huge one at that. YUCK SPIDERS. My husband is still laughing about it today!

If I would have went to sleep at my regular time, I would have never known that there was a huge spider lerking in my bed, and it would have probably sank it's fangs into me.
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You know, we may have a mouse now and then, and a few beetles, but we dont have TOO many spiders, and the ones we DO have are in the basement so I never see them! Ugh that still willies me out, gross.

I was watching tv in bed with my high school bf years ago and he was snoozing. I saw a huge wolf spider and when I jumped it woke him up...i never saw a grown man run and scream like a little girl before that...the next day he took apart his whole room to find it. And I thought I was bad about those things!
I didn't see it's eyes, but I really don't think it was fuzzy, I was like a tan color, when I looked online, there is a few different kinds of wolf spiders. I want to know what it was but then I don't. YUCK it just gives me the creeps.
gross!!!!! what is it with the creatures crawling into our beds!?!!?!? last week i had a little scorpion in ours!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH yeah wolf spiders are very scary! I was sleeping in one morning, woke up and looked up at the curtain on the window, and LOW AND BEHOLD A HUGE HUGE spider!!!!!!!!! I screamed for my husband, he didnt hear, and i ran out to get him. He killed it. Thank goodness. YUCK

I was sleeping in my husbands bed one night and a ROACH crawled on my face. I sold the dang bed. I am not kidding. He thought it was ridiculous... but I couldn't sleep in that bed again. It was one of those that had a bookshelf for the headboard.

Once when I was a kid, I was riding double with my best friend and she accidentally ran us through a GIANT Banana spider web. There was a spider as big as my thigh ON my thigh. I screamed like a Banshee. I am surprised that horse didn't buck us off!

Once on a vacation in the hill country, I SAW a scorpion in my room. I slept with the lights on the rest of the trip.

And this one time at band camp...

Can you tell I hate bugs???
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