Big news in TEXAS this week!

I thought the same thing....could this be attached to something in the special session? Will all you join me in writing the senator who filed the bill to ask him to do this? We have nothing to lose by asking or we wait until Sept. 2019 for the new law.

Senator Van Taylor

I emailed him yesterday. I got a form letter response that said the regular session has ended but that he will continue to review each letter, email and phone message every day.

Please join me in contacting him. 2 years is a long time to wait. I am heartbroken.
I also just got finished sending an email to lieutenant governor Dan Patrick. He is the one wanting the special session. Please send him an email and ask if SB 1620 can be attached to something that will be voted on in the special session. All we can do is ask.... Email form will be at the bottom of the page.
I just talked our representative Donna Campbell's office and the guy I talked to said it died in Calendars and the only way it could be resurrected is the Govener himself called for it in the special session.
So! Anyone know how our Govener feels about Chicken? Think we have a snowballs chance even if we contact the Govener office?
And one more, thing my fellow Texans, that I wanted to bring up to our State representatives. I think it's pretty funny that not only New York City but the state of New York has laws allowing backyard chickens but the great state/replublic of Texas doesn't

Don't be offended folks from New York, consider it a compliment. :)
I bet the governor eats eggs and like I said before it doesn't hurt to ask. :) Still waiting to hear back from Dan Patrick.
I also just got finished sending an email to lieutenant governor Dan Patrick. He is the one wanting the special session. Please send him an email and ask if SB 1620 can be attached to something that will be voted on in the special session. All we can do is ask.... Email form will be at the bottom of the page.

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