Big news in TEXAS this week!

The bill was just
H Reported favorably w/o amendment(s) 05/19/2017 by THE HOUSE.
I just got off the phone again with Senator Taylor's office again. Here is the latest:

SB 1620 attached as amendment on HB4180 on 5/23/17
HB4180 was voted on in the Senate and approved 5/25/17

According to Senator Taylor's office, this now goes back to the originating House Representative who wrote HB4180, which is the Honorable Garret Coleman, 512-463-0524.

Here are his options:

1. He concurs with amendments, signs off on it, and it goes to the Governor for signing.

2. He disagrees with all or some amendments and calls for a conference committee. The committee will then settle the disputes for the final bill, which goes to the Governor for signing. This can result in SB1620 Amendment remaining or being removed.

3. He neither concurs or calls for a conference committee, and then the whole bill in its entirety with all amendments will die.

We still have a chance. Call HOR Coleman's office and plead for Concurrence or Committee and keep SB 1620 as amended.

That is the latest out of Senator Taylor's office @ 3:45 this afternoon. They are trying. They want the bill to pass and have received overwhelming support of the Chickens!
The bill was just
H Reported favorably w/o amendment(s) 05/19/2017 by THE HOUSE.

The bill died in the House. The House did not see it as a pressing issue. The Senator added it as an amendment to HB4180 in response, when 4180 crossed over to the Senate for a vote. It passed overwhelmingly with the SB1620 attached. Now it goes back to the originator of HB4180. See the post above for details.

I just got off the phone with Representative Coleman's office. The Representative has elected to not concur or go to committee. HB4180 will die. The Chicken Bill is DEAD!

I'm sorry folks. I tried. It's over. Very sad.
House Bill 4180 is also dead...per the phone call I jus made to 512 463 1252

I just got off the phone with Representative Coleman's office. The Representative has elected to not concur or go to committee. HB4180 will die. The Chicken Bill is DEAD!

I'm sorry folks. I tried. It's over. Very sad.
This isn't the end of chicken keeping.
There are other ways to get around your HOA.
HOA's can not ban service pets.
All one needs is a note from a doctor saying their chickens provide comfort.
I've seen it done..just saying
Here in Bexar County, Texas, county law provides that we are allowed to have backyard chickens with the appropriate restrictions. What I cannot understand is how an HOA, which is not a duly elected, governmental body, has the right to supersede county law, usurp the rights of the people, and declare illegal, or unlawful, that which the peoples' duly elected officials have deemed legal and lawful.
Here in Bexar County, Texas, county law provides that we are allowed to have backyard chickens with the appropriate restrictions. What I cannot understand is how an HOA, which is not a duly elected, governmental body, has the right to supersede county law, usurp the rights of the people, and declare illegal, or unlawful, that which the peoples' duly elected officials have deemed legal and lawful.
Trust me I get the frustration.
Also...getting on the board of your HOA is one way to change the bylaws.

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