big red butts, is this normal?


7 Years
Mar 22, 2012
We have eight RIR hens that will be 3 years old in May. For the last couple of months egg production is erratic and decreased. At first we thought molting, but then we noticed 3 then 4 of the hens backsides are pretty red and look swollen. Is this normal or something we need to be concerned about. They have been picking at each others feathers so we increased their protein and oyster shell in their feed.
I had the same problem with my RIR and White Leghorns. Once I let them free range during the day, their feathers grew back nice and fluffy. I think the hens were just picking at each other. They all go back to the hen house at the end of the day and are locked away from the local coyotes, red foxes and skunks.

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