BIG SURPRISE : Bali ducklings born from NON-crested Indian Runner parents

I have an Appenzeller Spitzhauben hen, and she is crazy.
I thing her being crested is the cause...

She is called Punky; and she is smart.

When she is broody OR going broody, she is so loud my roosters are almost mute compared with her...!
She just wants E.VE.RY.BO.DY to know she is going to be a mom...

Worst is she takes days (generally around to weeks I think?) to be completely broody when she is in the mood, so it would be around a month and a half of a crazy hen yelling to her heart's content...
Thanksfully, I live in the countryside, so not a lot of neighbours to complain (nobody does)...

This hen is a very good mom to the babies she hatches. So much so when I separate them because it's time, she keeps coming to them (she is a jumper) to continue raising them...

But she is just so crazy... And I think the fact she is crested explains all!
(I mean... crested birds are said to have a vaulted skull... It can not be healthy!)
She is not crazy because she is crested. She is an appenzeller spitzhauben. She is just crazy like 99% of all appenzellers are. Silkies are crested and are some of the calmest chickens. The bali ducklings should probably not have too many problems. Only believe half the stuff you read online. Just enjoy and have fun with your birds.

So... new surprise here : I got new crested ducklings from my ducklings born MAY 22nd and MAY 23rd...!


There is a Trout coloured one with a small, yellowish crest :


...And a Bibbed Black one with a big crest :


This duckling actually has three crest : a big one on the top of the head, and one smaller on each side of the head.

And strangely, I also got a Light Dusky duckling with one longer rod of hair each on each side of the head :


I don't know if these "rods of hair" are, in fact, tiny crests...?

...In any case, thanks to these new little ducklings, I now know where the crested gene comes from : it comes from my Trout drake (and then, also his son : a Bibbed Black drake).

She is not crazy because she is crested. She is an appenzeller spitzhauben. She is just crazy like 99% of all appenzellers are.

Oooooh... so, that's a breed thing...

My Punky is my only experience with Appenzeller Spitzhauben, so I did not know all the breed was the same!

Thank you for the information!!
(She is crazy, but I love her! She is so fun...!!)

Silkies are crested and are some of the calmest chickens.

They look like they are, yes...
But I heard Silkie roosters could be very aggressive...?

The bali ducklings should probably not have too many problems. Only believe half the stuff you read online. Just enjoy and have fun with your birds.

Hard to not worry!
But I have several Bali ducklings now, so I have to learn to cope with that. And stay alert - we never know...
Oooooh... so, that's a breed thing...

My Punky is my only experience with Appenzeller Spitzhauben, so I did not know all the breed was the same!

Thank you for the information!!
(She is crazy, but I love her! She is so fun...!!)

They look like they are, yes...
But I heard Silkie roosters could be very aggressive...?

Hard to not worry!
But I have several Bali ducklings now, so I have to learn to cope with that. And stay alert - we never know...
Silkie roosters are either the best roosters on the planet or the worst roosters on the planet. Most are very good roosters. My silkies just chill all day and are extremely calm (and broody 🙄).
If your ducklings have crests on the sides of their heads where their ear holes are they may be deaf. They can still live a good life, they just are loud.


Oh my God... thank you so much for the information!!

Thanksfully, none of the crests look to be on their ear holes : they actually seem to be higher on the head.
But to be sure : I actually will have to verify that concerning the crested black bibbed duckling specifically...!! Because the two crests on the sides of his head look to be just above his ear holes, and so, I will have to make sure they are not actually ON his ear holes...!!

(...Just in case, I will also test my crested ducklings' hearing.
I don't care if my ducks are loud, but I would prefer them to not be disabled.)

I am especially worrying about this crested bibbed black duckling, since he actually have three crests, and I'm afraid the ones on the sides could eventually bother his vision when he is grown up...

...For the time being, I feel lucky these crested ducklings are not so different from the non-crested ones : they behave the same, are full of energy, eat and drink well, and have no neurological issue (for now at least)...

Oh my God... thank you so much for the information!!

Thanksfully, none of the crests look to be on their ear holes : they actually seem to be higher on the head.
But to be sure : I actually will have to verify that concerning the crested black bibbed duckling specifically...!! Because the two crests on the sides of his head look to be just above his ear holes, and so, I will have to make sure they are not actually ON his ear holes...!!

(...Just in case, I will also test my crested ducklings' hearing.
I don't care if my ducks are loud, but I would prefer them to not be disabled.)

I am especially worrying about this crested bibbed black duckling, since he actually have three crests, and I'm afraid the ones on the sides could eventually bother his vision when he is grown up...

...For the time being, I feel lucky these crested ducklings are not so different from the non-crested ones : they behave the same, are full of energy, eat and drink well, and have no neurological issue (for now at least)...
I clip my chickens crests so they can see properly. Do it where the other chickens/ducks can see you doing it.

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