Big water jug question


11 Years
Apr 28, 2010
My husband is using nipples and going to have a big water jug for them. I think he said it was 33 gallon? I'm wondering if the water gets bad before they drink it all? Is there anything to put in the water to keep it fresh? Thanks in advance!
I wouldn't trust it, but I guess you can try it once and see if its too much water. Guess you wouldn't have to fill it all the way up either. I did this with a 5 gal bucket and it works well. I just have to be careful that dirt that gets in doesn't clog the nipples.
what exactly are watering nipples? and is that more logical than just putting a waterer in there or putting fresh water in each day? I am really curious, I see this a lot...
I have a 5 gallon bucket with nipples for 6 birds, and find that it is due to be dumped out and given a quick cleaning (just a strong jet of water from the hose) after about two weeks. In hot weather, the water is getting pretty low by then, anyway. I use 6 tablespoons of Bragg's apple cider vinegar each time I refill the bucket, and I think that helps retard the bacterial growth between water changes.

So I guess 33 gallons would be about right if you have 25-50 birds, but might be overkill for a small flock - it might be tempting to leave it too long without cleaning if they never empty the water out...
I'm wondering if the water gets bad before they drink it all?

Just because it holds that much doesn't mean you have to fill it full, although if it's mostly in the shade it should be fine​

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