Big's Spinach Soup


15 Years
Mar 19, 2008
Scenic Jackson New Jersey
This is something the line cooks would throw together for themselves if they had a cold. We were entitled to certain menu items as part of our daily meal there and one thing was a large spinach salad. Try this, just as it is - what makes it so good is you use FRESH bag spinach (not frozen) and chicken stock and a tiny amount of garlic and EVO... I made it today for my wife and we ate it so quickly I never took a photo, sorry...

1 small clove garlic crushed and finely diced
1 Tsp EVO
1/2 lb bag spinach soaked in cold water
1 Cup chicken stock, hot

In a very hot wok heat the EVO and crushed garlic for just a moment, grab the soaked spinach out of the water and plop it into the wok, stir and toss with tongs until the spinach is wilted, add a pinch of salt. Once the spinach is thoroughly wilted add the chicken stock and simmer for one minute. Remove from heat, remove spinach from wok with tongs into wide bowls in nice heaps - add the broth and serve. Just like this. Resist the urge to jazz this up with other stuff. What makes this so good is it's simplicity. If you're feeling under the weather make the whole thing for yourself, or if you really feel lousy double the recipe. It's the best !!
mmm sounds good
This sounds almost too good to be true.

I regularly wilt greens in a little oil & garlic to serve over pasta.
Now I can do the same & not add the carbs...unless you count some nice crusty bread to go alongside......
I like that recipe with swiss chard too!

We did a spinach salad last night, mixed it with chopped satsumas (like tangerines) off of our citrus trees & some toasted pecans (also off our trees) drizzled with a little bit of poppyseed dressing. Sometimes I also use kumquats instead of satsumas - or mandarin oranges work nice also.

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