Bird mites????


Free Ranging
Jan 31, 2020
Hello, I recently hatched a couple eggs from a feral peacock with one of my ducks. Today after my girlfriend was holding the baby peacock, she started getting bit by bugs. About a dozen little bites popped up on her over an hour and we found this little thing that seems like it could be a mite?? Could anyone tell me what to do? I've attached a picture of it. How would I treat rhe birds for it? How would I get them out of my house?


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That might be a tiny beetle, but I would look on the skin of the chickens for crawling insects. Mites usually leave brown specks on skin. Some may be there 24/7 while others may only get them on there at night. Lice are on them around the clock, and are light tan. Permethrin spray or garden dust from your feed store will treat lice or mites. Repeat it in 7-10 days to get newly hatched ones. If lice or mites are found, the coop will need to be treated and bedding discarded far away. Here is a good link for what to look for:
Thank you so much for the information @Eggcessive

I just got a much better picture of it with a cheap microscope, any ideas?


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Okay thank you, here are a couple more better pictures. I took one on each side of it.


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It looks more like a mite if it has 8 legs. Otherwise, I cannot identify it. If she has mites or lice, they will be found on the skin in numbers. Could it be a small tick? Permethrin should help whatever it is.
Yes it is the only bug I've found, I will be going to TSC to get the Permethrin spray, I have not seen any bugs on the birds though, that one was found in my bed after the birds were around it. I looked over the chicks closely with a 10x magnifying glass but can not find anything, and honestly I am not sure its even a bug. No sign of a head or eyes or legs from what I can see in a picture. I did make a thread on a separate insect forum showing the pics hopefully somebody there will have a better idea.
If there are no bugs on the chickens, especially after checking at night, then I would not spray them. Hopefully, it was just a single bug that hitch a ride. My small terrier brings in an occasional critter that craws on me. There are some tiny hard round beetles like that.
If there are no bugs on the chickens, especially after checking at night, then I would not spray them. Hopefully, it was just a single bug that hitch a ride. My small terrier brings in an occasional critter that craws on me. There are some tiny hard round beetles like that.
Okay I suppose I will pick it up but not use it unless I see them. My main concern was just that my girlfriend was getting bit by bugs last night so I was worried. I guess I'll just keep an eye on them and keep checking.

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