Birdwatching Chat Thread

Aren't those larger, though?
The Cooper's hawk is about the size of a large crow. The sharp-shinned is the size of a large robin. The first is much more of a concern for chickens. Chickens are too big (except maybe a small bantam) for a sharp-shinned. The sharp-shinned has a squarish tail compared to the cooper's but that is hard to tell when they are sitting in a tree. The one pictured is an adult but I can't tell which because there is nothing to judge it's size. Both are quite common here and across the US and Southern Canada. I see them quite often although I do see more juvenile Copper's and adult sharp-shinned.

Sorry for my wordiness. 🤗 I tend to get that way when talking nature. Hope it helps.
I took a lengthy hike (lengthy for me) on Sunday, February 6th. I saw a lot of robins, there were well over 100 of them. I quit counting at 100 and there were more around me. It's uncommon to see them this early. They normally show up the first week of March.

Southern Michigan.

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