Bit by the hatching bug ... Marans hatch

Thanks....and yes, all I had were Marans eggs. Ive got 6 hatched so far. 4 from my eggs and 2 shipped eggs. I have one other that has a pip, but I really dont think its going to do anything. Its been like that since yesterday. Today at 6 wil be the bigining of day 23.
I'll probably give it another day...then do a clean up and start another batch.
OK...Im bad at waiting. Looks like my hatch is done. I helped the last one out....he had a bad case of shrink wrap. But, hes out and moving. So that puts me at a total of 7. 4 of my own eggs Blue copper and 3 shipped eggs..look to be black copper.
Well, thats crazy... I was just cleaning out all the dud eggs from the bator and found one that the wrecking crew had shoved over in the corner....that had half a head hanging out of a hole in the side of it. Its head / hole in the egg was facing the corner so I never saw it. I figured it was a little late at this point, so I carefully got it the rest of the way out. If it survives....that will put me at 8 total.
Is this day 23?

Were you able to do any candling along the way to see what was developing and what wasn't?
Will you do eggtopsies to see what's what in the 'duds'?

Impatient to get that next one started huh?
Is this day 23?

Were you able to do any candling along the way to see what was developing and what wasn't?
Will you do eggtopsies to see what's what in the 'duds'?

Impatient to get that next one started huh?
Yes, Im now into day 23.
I probably wont do an eggtopsy... the majority were shipped eggs....and so manythings can play into why they didnt make it.

I only candled them at day 10, I could easily see 2 had nothing going on, while the rest, even though very hard to see through, I could tell there was something happening. Just not any detail.
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That's great Matt! Tell me how you did your humidity thru the hatch if you don't mind.

Kristie.. Im using a LG bator with a fan. I have a little electronic thermometer /humidity thing. based on that, I kept the humidity very close to 50% the first 10 days, then after I candled, I left it dry the rest of the time until lockdown. That put it at about 10%. Then for lockdown, I brought it up to about 65%. It may not be the best, but it worked out a lot better than my first attempt last year. Last year I left it dry the whole time up until lockdown....and I only had one pip and hatch. the rest didnt pip.... but most all were fully developed, they just couldnt get out

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