Bittersweet times and a bit of a rant

Can't say I really feel for you lol. Wait till your grandkids are starting school. Where do the years go? I still haven't figured that out. Beautiful daughter btw.
What a doll!

A couple we know was bombarded with questions about when they were going to have a baby. Then, as soon as they had one, it was "When are you going to have another?". They grew weary of the questions so they started saying, "We would really like another one, but since _____'s accident with the lawnmower....."! People stopped asking.
Your DD is adorable! I had 5 years between each of my 3 boys, and 3 years between my youngest son and my daughter. I enjoyed having that time to let my baby be the baby. They grow up soooooooo fast (my oldest is 21 now and my youngest will be 8 in July!
) Don't let anyone pressure you into having the next one before you're ready. Your little one is still a little one, for heaven's sake, just keep enjoying her preschool years - because they will be gone before you know it!
happy birthday to her.

You have every right in the world to make the choices that are right for your family to be the "place" that makes you happiest.You only look yourself in the mirror every day-not any one else.
I don't know if I read this wrong but maybe people are just suggesting to you to have another baby because you are telling them how upset you are that she is growing up.

That is just the way it appears in the way you wrote it, unless they are just bringing this up out of the blue, like you ask if they would like another cup of coffee and they say why don't you get pregnant right now and have another baby.

But if you are telling them how much it bothers you maybe they are just trying to make you feel better.
I have a sister in law that would always bring up how much she wanted another baby( she had no fertility problems) and how upset she was that her kids were growing up and after awhile people started saying then just have one already.
They may not mean anything by saying this to you if it came up in conversation that it bothered you.
Kids do grow up fast, I have several and some are grown, some in college and some in grade school.
They get to a point when they don't need you as much and they like their independance and then it comes full circle where they admit they need you again and you feel needed again.
Unfortunately, that's not how it usually goes. It's more like this:

Person: Look at how big (daughter) is getting!
Me: Yeah, she's really growing all the time!
Person: So when are you going to have another one?

Ugh. It takes a lot to not roll my eyes at people when they ask like that. Yes, it bothers me that I have to let her go more and more as she grows, but I also knows that's part of being a mother. It's just really getting to me right now because of the second birthday milestone. However, we do have a lot of pictures to use as blackmail someday...Cowboy hat, diaper and a phone...Air guitar. Oh yeah, we can have some fun!

And thanks for the birthday wishes! We went shopping today to get the tablecloth and plates and the like, and all she wanted was Dora. I would have let her have Dora too, but I knew her dad would have a fit. So we got the generic happy birthday ones. I'm enjoying the time, even though it is rather busy getting everything together. I finally figured out that people are coming to see my daughter, not criticize my house. It's clean but lived in, so it's fine.
My only child is 19 now and I didn't stop hearing "when are you having another one" and then "you need to remarry so you can have more kids" until he was 17 years old.

CUTIE PIE yours is!
Don't worry! We have friends who ask us if we're going to have more even though they know DH got "fixed" YEARS ago! And it would severely compromise my health and the health of the baby (seizure meds and brain bleeds). I'm always like, "Are you serious?" Our kids are almost 10 and 8 1/2. Oh my they do grow up fast. We have 2 beautiful, intelligent, and healthy kids. Perfectly happy with that. Oh, and your daughter is quite the cutie pie! Gorgeous eyes!
I know what you are saying, its as bad as the people who would say to me, You are having another one!! You are pregnant again, don't you know how this keeps happening, ever heard of birth control etc. some comments are even worse but I try to not think about them or I get steamed.
Now I am married my kids are by the same dad and we are not relying on any kind of handouts or help from anyone, we can afford the children that we have.
BUT, you get these people who feel its their business to say these things.
I don't even know most of the people that say this stuff, they would just see me shopping with the kids in tow and a pregnant belly and come right over to ask "if they were all mine" and "why do you have so many kids" right in front of my children.
I mean I have 6 kids not 18 and all of them would be well dressed with their hair done nicely and you could clearly tell they were not lacking anything yet these people would make a beeline for me.
People are ignorant, you have to ask them an equally rude question sometimes to make it hit home to them.
Sometimes I would even think of a mean question to ask back at them just so they know how it feels.
Have fun at the party, don't worry about the house every time I have ever made the house spotless for a party it got trashed anyway and I spent the whole night cleaning again, once everyone is over and they have coats and pocket books and diaper bags and gifts everywhere you can't tell anyway.
Rude person: "Are you going to have another kid?"

You: "We're not sure. You got any for sale?"


You: "No, even in the pressure cooker the last one was really tough."


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