Black and Blue Orpingtons - Opinions *PICS Updated 1/29 on pg2*

Ok, updated pics from this morning. Shadow is the blue. Raven the black.



Your black is the best of the two. The blue has gold eyes. They should be dark. That can be bred out though if she is all you have. I would definitley keep her till she gets grown and see how she is doing then. I just got back from a local auction and I couldn't believe some folks paid 28 each for a few buff Orp pullets from McMurray. They were very light in color. Not great specimens.. They 25 for the Rooster. Course I sold a white silkie with a fault for 17 The must be crasy.
Thank you for your insight. I did notice the eye color difference, but wasn't sure what was exactly right and wrong. I know I need to get me a copy of the Standard, but haven't just yet. I won't be showing, but do want decent stock.

Gosh if McMurry's Buff Orps are anything like Ideals, then they are not worth that price. Don't get me wrong, I like one of my Ideal Buff's, but she is so small compared to these Blacks. I want big fluffy chickens! LOL
Here are some updated pictures I took this evening. Both hens have started laying now. Of course we are still at tiny pullet egg stage, but at least they are laying. Our Roo is named Goose and he has really fluffed out and grown in a nice comb. It is a little dusty in this picture since we put on some vasoline due to being in the 20's at night. The hens are just a ball of feathers. I also have a somewhat blurry pic included with the remaining Buff hen I have. She has some back damage and is wearing a chicken saddle, but you can still see the size difference.


Shadow my Blue hen with other chickens..

The four Orpingtons together with a rainshower of scratch. LOL
It's hard to tell from the photo, CountryMom, but it looks like your roo isn't as leggy anymore? He's a pretty boy. Perhaps a little big in the wattles, but still a nice specimin. His comb looks like it might be very nice, too.

Do you remember who the seller was on Ebay? I got mine from Jim Cox and my blue hen is really nice. I think my roo is ok, but not spectacular - he's black like yours and he has a really weird crow, too!!! They both dwarf most of my other chickens - very big and fluffy!
I would have to look, but I think the ebayer was named Teresa something - and it was part of her id. I don't remember much other than she had them when I first started seeing the BBS Orps here on BYC, so I jumped on them.

Yes, that giant rooster Goose is filling out finally. He is larger than the Speckled Sussex Roo that he lives with, but hasn't figured that out. So Morning (SS) keeps him in line for now. Morning is the reddish roo standing behind the blue. The girls have really filled out also. Can't believe how wonderful they look. Oh and Goose has an extra Doodle in his Crow if that makes sense! LOL We love hearing him.

I have more Blues coming from Superior farms and I sure hope that these are good enough to breeding into those. At least I am figuring on getting better stock since they have a good Rep and have worked hard on decent stock. It will be an interesting year!
I purchased these by way of hatching eggs. There are many on BYC who breed them and sell hatching eggs. I know MissPrissy has some for sure, just may have a waiting list.

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