Black and white EE.... He or She?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 15, 2014
I have a 7 week old black and white EE that I think might be a Roo, but I'm not 100% sure. The coloring seems uniform, and all current feathers are rounded (the pattern makes them look pointy) which would lead me to believe its a pullet, but the comb has 1 prominent center row and then teeny tiny pea row on either side which makes me think cockerel.
The roo in the background went back to the farmer, but Chimp will be staying with us regardless of gender.
Thanks for posting the better pics. The three rows in the comb are the only indicator at this point that you have a cockerel and it is not an infallible indicator. I'm thinking that it is likely a cockerel, but I would post its pics again in about a month.

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