black australorp hen or rooster? PICS

All Girls!!! Congrats!!!
Thanks, I hope you're all correct. I'm taking Myrna to the "chicken lady" I got her from today for a final evaluation. Let's hope she's not a Myron instead....
She is a she. Australorp males and females have large combs and wattles. Your hen with the large wattles is just closest to laying.
If she were a boy should would have long pointy saddle feathers and hackle feathers. You she how all of your hens feathers are rounded on her lower back right above her tail and the feathers on her neck, that is a main indicator of female. Only the males get those long pointy feathers.
Well, the poultry farmer I got her from disagreed with all of you and thought Myrna was really a Myron. Luckily, she took her/him/whatever back, as I can't have a rooster where I live.
Interesting!!! Maybe the farmer lady just wanted her HEN back.
Nah, I would have guessed roo too only because my australorp girls have pea combs and small ones at that and look just like your other 2 hens. They got redder but NEVER got any comb near like what your "roo" had. I do not know what he/she was for sure, but I am glad that you don't have to worry any more.

Did you look at her males there and compare?
Carol O.
ohhhh....I think you just gave back a very pretty little girl
Here is a 17 week australorp roo for comparison...boys have very pronounced combs and tail feathers by 19 weeks....
I agree, you gave back a girl.

I had 3 aussies, were to be pullets, two were roos, and they had the green and purple feathers galore early on. you can tell a roo, and a roo she didn't seem to be.

wonder if you can get her back.

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