Black Bantam Cochin Frizzle sex

Lisa L

May 6, 2020
Walkertown, NC
My little sweet frizzle is now 12 weeks old and I’m still unsure if she’s really a rooster. Should he have any sort of tail feathers at this age? He does not. My other rooster (Mille Fleur d’uccle) is clearly a roo. Big tail feathers and hackles. Frizzle has me stumped.
My little sweet frizzle is now 12 weeks old and I’m still unsure if she’s really a rooster. Should he have any sort of tail feathers at this age? He does not. My other rooster (Mille Fleur d’uccle) is clearly a roo. Big tail feathers and hackles. Frizzle has me stumped.
I'm adding a pic of Liza.

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