Black bear got one of my birds

I have a bear out back.

The doberman actually deterrs him (bear or dog has never touched the chickens). Which is amazing, because the doberman is a wuss in all things! He actually can be left loose with the chickens and scratches wi th them. (I have pictures!)

I have also used a "Bear banger" - non lethal flash - bang - to great effect while hiking. Black bears are generally the easiest bears to scare off, but, once they have a taste, it gets alot harder.

Good luck!
When they get too inquisitive or close we use 'Howling Wolf Packs' to change their minds...10 firecrackers tied together. You haven't lived until you've seen a 600+ pound bear levitate off all fours! Since bears are smart they remember the unpleasant experience and steer clear. We have one persistent guy we call Mongo...biggest bear ever caught by NJ Fish & Game...726 pounds in May 2009! They estimate he would go to 800-900 lbs by winter 2009 in preparation for hibernation. He's like a VW Bug coming through the yard but he's generally respectful of people. I shudder to think what this guy is capable of if he put his mind to it...I never knew black bears got THAT big!

Where are you Krissdani? I'm in West Milford, Passaic County, NJ.
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I'm in BC Canada, opposite side of the contenent LOL.

This years bear is a momma - close to 500lbs, with cub. we steer CLEAR as much as possible, but aleast 1 run in a fall is normal. Already had 1 a month ago while on the trail, she seems to have moved on already, less scat, no torn up logs any more. (phew!) no crazy dog in the middle of the night busting out the dog door to bark madly.

Last year was a little boy bear - maybe 300lbs, a lot less to worry about!
UPDATE ... well ... first night he when through Hardware cloth and got one of my hens .... 2nd night we put up a bright light... he bent the fencing around one coop ... that had a net on it ... never got in ... no birds lost .... 3rd night 2 lights and a radio ... BEAR PAWS ALL OVER THE COOP WITH MY CORRONATION SUSSEX!
4th night ... motion sensors up ... 12g slugs ... ready for bear ... NOTHING ... Last night ... NOTHING ...
Talked with the game warden ... if he his attacking my chickens I can take a shot ... but I have to call them and they come get the bear ... Oct 18 season starts here ... I get a FREE license for hunting on my property ... and I can keep him!

THAT’S the plan for now ... until I can hot wire the back yard... ! And the game warden said yes hot wire will work ... bee keeper’s use it all the time!
Could a paint ball gun be used to repel a black bear? No real damage save possibly to eyes but will surely hurt like hell and may prove to be a good deterent. Black is also big enough to hit reliably.
Adding NJ to my list of places to never go tent camping in! Also adding NJ to the list of places not to move to. I'd rather not encounter a 700 pound bear!
Rug mount with the head mounted. I've never eaten bear meat but I know it doesn't taste like chicken.

BBQ bear ribs, texture like pork, flavor more like beef/pork mix....nummy....
Hot wires around our coop and run is the only thing that works for us. We have bear in our yard every year. So far, so good. Knocking on wood as I am typing this. Also has zapped a couple dogs, and I think a coon. Love our electric fence!

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