black bearded silkie pullet $1200.00

Hey guys,

This is Annabella. I will take $1000.00 for her. Apparently this is a bargain! I love her, but WOW!



Uhmm, OK !!! I understand and see that she is a VERY pretty bird BUT i'm still missing why she is $$$$ OMG !!!! They dont even talk about her bloodlines !!
if you click on "sellers other auctions" you can see where there is another typo and they've stated, "$35 not $3,500" so Im led to believe that the silkie is another typo. She's probably $120. Silkie people are crazy
If you all had looked really closely at the auction it is an English Auction not an American one. Those Brits can be penny wise and pound foolish at times when it comes to their animals. LOL
No, it was not a typo, If you look in the bid history there are many bids over $900 for that bird. Although she is nice, she is not worth that money. I have seen much nicer birds go for much less.
I was just thinking the same thing. Im sure it works like ebay and that if you accidently type in an outrageous number, it will still only raise a few dollars above previous bidder.

I do know that if I had a $1200 bird, it wouldn't be running around in the dirt with a bunch of other fowl... it would be in a show pen where it could be kept in top shape.... where I could fan her and feed her grapes
...very confusing

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