Black Comb... probably just a over worried roo-mom...


May 25, 2020
U.S Virgin Islands
So, I am probably just being a over worried mom here....

My Rooster keeps getting black coloring at the tips of his comb.
It always goes away!...
Yet this silly mom had to go and google🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ which is never a good idea... lol.

Decided I should ask loving chicken keepers vs. Google lol.

Is this normal? For the comb to partially to turn black temporarily?
If so, just curious, why does it do so?
Too cold? Hormones? Overweight? Sick? Again just curious.
Any advice, knowledge is very much appreciated.

Hope everyone is having a good day! Many many many blessings.

Bellow I have attached 2 photos.
1. Of the comb starting to turn..
The other photo...
Is just a normal photo of him.

P.s he acts normal! He does tend to want to snuggle when his comb does start to turn.... that is kinda what leads me to believe he maybe cold🤷🏼‍♀️. Again thank you in advance!


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How old is he?
Happens to my roos too, especially new cockerels. I might say frostbite, but in your picture, I don't see any snow, so probably not that. I think you hit the nail on the head when you said hormones.
How old is he?
Happens to my roos too, especially new cockerels. I might say frostbite, but in your picture, I don't see any snow, so probably not that. I think you hit the nail on the head when you said hormones.

He is 34 weeks :)
Lol and yeah we live in the Caribbean I'm not sure it would be frost bite (I still could be wrong) the lowest it gets is around 75°f.

Thank you!!!! Xoxo

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