Black Copper Marans discussion thread

The Penne have been bred into the Marans since they were brought into the USA. I would believe that some beginners are still doing it with the aspect of getting darker eggs.
Don, ever since you pointed this out to me, it has become more and more obvious on my rooster. I even found a picture of Wade Jeane holding one of his roosters, and the bird in that picture had the same exact comb flaw. I'm afraid it is deep into the line.

For comparison, I put a picture of my rooster beside a penedesenca, and it is very obvious that is where he got his comb



It's too early to tell. But does the 1st one have a few white feathers? Correct me experts if I'm wrong but splash or no splash that's not good coloring
It looks to me like those are just the juvenile white feathers growing out. I wouldn't worry about the white feathers unless they stay past the next set of feathers.

close up

So if one chick has side sprigs or whatever this is, they may all carry that gene? For SOP that is really bad. Would someone still be able to use this cockerel for the dark brown egg gene for olive eggers or should he be soup or wait and see?
Would be great for olive eggers in my opinion. There is a great olive egger group on FB. You will find it with a FB search. Lot's of cool eggs posted on there and many of them come from non-SOP Marans.
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It looks to me like those are just the juvenile white feathers growing out. I wouldn't worry about the white feathers unless they stay past the next set of feathers.

Would be great for olive eggers in my opinion. There is a great olive egger group on FB. You will find it with a FB search. Lot's of cool eggs posted on there and many of them come from non-SOP Marans.
My BCM roo will be getting some Am hens as soon as I get a more SOP replacement
Don, ever since you pointed this out to me, it has become more and more obvious on my rooster. I even found a picture of Wade Jeane holding one of his roosters, and the bird in that picture had the same exact comb flaw. I'm afraid it is deep into the line.

For comparison, I put a picture of my rooster beside a penedesenca, and it is very obvious that is where he got his comb




I have a comb question. Anybody know what causes the bluish tips on the comb points?
I have read, heat, stresses of mating, or low air circulation. Could also point to other health issues related to blood circulation, but he seems healthy so I'm going with heat and mating
Well, I definitely have heat! I have one BCM rooster in a pen with 6 hens, and he has the blue tips on his comb. Another pen with 7 cockerels have no blue tips, but they are still pretty young, about 12 weeks.
I just got 9 new chicks from Meyer Hatchery and 1 is supposed to be a Black Copper Marans, but none of my chicks have feathers on their legs. Does the feathering come in later or should it be there?

More than likely they will not have featered shanks as adults. The feathering is usually evident at hatch. It can fall out and regrow as the birds molt with age and future growth. Sometimes the feathering is so slight its not noticable and the adult may end up with just a few feathers but more likely will not meet SOP standards. Some of mine will have heavier feathering than I think the standard calls for. Its always something.

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