Black Copper Marans discussion thread

Thanks for all the information. I have hatched out some BCM and will seee what happens,, in the mean time,, a very common question.. I have nine.. of whick it looks like 3 have redder and larger combs than the rest,, think they might be cocks,, what is your opnion.. OH they are 6 weeks old,, thanks again
Thank you. You really have a beautiful Male. I know that the birds I have are far from SOP, and for my first attempt at BCM's it is what it is, I will be culling the males, and seeing what the eggs look like from the girls.Looking for some beautiful dark dark eggs, to go with the olive/blue ESTEREGGRS, and the light browns from our cochins, and SLW's.

Sure is all great fun though isn't it?
Would anyone be willing to go to my profile and check my past posts and sex my little Marans? I have a little ditty written there and a bunch of pictures of my 6 peeps. I posted it in a different thread and don't know how to transfer it to this board. (Sorry-newbie here).

#1 is a boy, look at how the wattles are pinking up underneath. Not sure about the others. The maturity spread on my 5 guys from the same hatch seemed to be about two weeks, so there could be more boys coming...
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I was pretty sure about #1. I DOUBT the rest could be pullets. Not with my luck.

Thanks for going to the trouble to check them out.
Good morning all, I have a good Question many might be able to key in on. when culling your birds Roosters and Hens and I'm speaking of BCM's here. What do you look for when you want to have the best birds for breeding and hatching eggs. I want to have to chicks I buy to be NPIP parents and i will have mine inspected as well. but any ifo is welcome.
Thank you. You really have a beautiful Male. I know that the birds I have are far from SOP, and for my first attempt at BCM's it is what it is, I will be culling the males, and seeing what the eggs look like from the girls.Looking for some beautiful dark dark eggs, to go with the olive/blue ESTEREGGRS, and the light browns from our cochins, and SLW's.

Sure is all great fun though isn't it?
Chickens are wonderful fun!

I started out with my Dh saying "You can have 6 chickens" LOL... 60 chickens and 9 coops later.... LOL....
Oh, those 60 chickens are the keepers. It doesn't include all the chicks I hatched and sold... ROFLMAO..
Good morning all, I have a good Question many might be able to key in on. when culling your birds Roosters and Hens and I'm speaking of BCM's here. What do you look for when you want to have the best birds for breeding and hatching eggs. I want to have to chicks I buy to be NPIP parents and i will have mine inspected as well. but any ifo is welcome.
You really need to get your hands on an APA SOP book.
The first 40 pages of full of sketches of things you DON'T want to see in chickens...

The APA has not published a book with the marans standard in it because the standard was approved after the book went to print.
However, there are several threads on BYC dedicated to sharing the proposed standards, now approved, so that breeders would know what to work towards. The standard will detail the specifics of Marans.

When I cull, I immediate eliminate any bird with DQ's.. Examples of those are in the first 40 pages of the SOP.
There are a few DQ's specific to marans. They are...

BCM Disqualifications (approved 7/26/10)
Yellow on shanks or toes. White ear lobes. Pearl or black eyes. Absence of feathers on shanks.

Then I look at how well the bird conforms to type. The shape of the bird is worth 63 points. Color is worth 37 points.

FYI: Buying NPIP does not guarantee show quality or healthy birds. It is a once a year inspection and certification.
You should do your homework to make sure you are purchasing healthy and true to type stock.

Another FYI: When you ask a question about a breeder and you get no response... People normally don't say anything if they can't say something nice. So, don't assume that because you don't find people posting their complaints that everything is rosey.... LEARN the SOP before you buy anything. Then when you see pics of someone's stock, you will be able to evaluate them yourself.

Excuse me and forgive me if I misspoke... If you already knew all this, so sorry :)

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