Black laced Red X silver laced?

Tiana's chickens

Dec 7, 2017
Just wondering what the resulting chickens will look like if I breed my Black laced red Wyandotte rooster with my silver laced hens?
Thanks in advance :)

IMG_2798.JPG IMG_2284.JPG IMG_3172.JPG
No idea but would love to see
Me too, I'm super keen to breed them just to see how it looks. I could only find one person saying what a black laced red roo cross silver laced would breed and all they said was the result would be silver laced hens.
But that leaves me wondering what the roosters would look like and surely the hens wouldn't look the as regular silver laces? Maybe a bit of red leakage? or some gold laced black chickens? I'm super curious haha
What the resulting chickens will look like if I breed my Black laced red Wyandotte rooster with my silver laced hens?
Sex links... both will keep the laced patterns, the Pullets from that cross will be Black Laced Red Wyandotte and the Cockeres will hatch like your regular Silver Laced Wyandotted chicks(Silver is completely dominant to gold, S/s+ at hatch and before puberty kicks in) when the cockerels get older their hackle, saddle and shoulder feathers will show red leakage in shoulders, the hackle will be mostly a lemon color and saddle may a combination of lemon and shades of orange/red, their breast will remain Silver colored

for example



Male chicks will look like this


Female chicks will look like this

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