Black sex link chicks

Hopefully, you should be good to go, then, except for the accidental roo. Unfortunately, there are some unscrupulous characters out there, but for the most part, I think people are honest, within their knowledge base.

Just from what you've posted, and your overall feeling for the seller, I think you're going to be fine.

Sounds to me like he ordered chicks from a hatchery and is reselling them. I think you have black sex link pullets, the solid dark birds, and barred Rock pullets, the ones with the white spots on their heads. Both will be wonderful backyard birds and great layers.

Hatcheries do make mistakes in sexing from time to time, so it's possible to get an Oops male. It would likely be one of the Rocks, and he'll be apparent very early. He'll be lighter in color than the others, strikingly so, and have a larger, redder comb from very early.

Post pics again when they're about 5-6 weeks old and we'll be able to confirm.

I wanted to share a few photos with y'all. From everything I have read I MAY have one cockerel... I think. Lol. They will be 3 weeks old on Monday so I don't think it's early enough to really be able to tell yet! I am just guessing because of his comb!

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