Black Sex-Link, Golden Laced Wyandottes, or Dark Cornish Hens


In the Brooder
7 Years
Oct 19, 2012
Carrboro, NC
Hey all,

I purchased two hens from a hatchery, which I were told were four-month-old Black Sex-links. After doing some research, I thought these looked more like Dark Cornish Hens than Black Sex-Link, so I emailed the hatchery. Their reply was that these are actually Golden Laced Wyandottes and that they've never sold Dark Cornish Hens.

Am I crazy or are these actually Golden Laced Wyandottes? What do people think?

Any help would be appreciated,

Thanks for the reply. They are beautiful, but unfortunately are aggressive toward each other. They barely have any comb at all, so it's definitely not a single.
They are dark Cornish. Their feathers are a brownish gold edged with dk brown/black. The skull looks right too. Here are a three of pictures of mine (pullets and a roo) at about 4 1/2 months old. Cornish are quite good with each other!! My roos even get along with each other, easy on the hens, tend to break up confrontations between other breed roos, and are carefull with my baby Silkie roos that chest bump them and fall over backwards!! LOL! That is QUITE funny!
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they have double lacing and pea combs, they are Dark Cornish. Wyandottes have single lacing and rose combs.

Usually black sexlinks are black with a gold neck, and have single combs. There are many different ways to make sexlinks, I use a Mottled Ancona Roo over Dominique Hen, the pullets are solid black with a rose comb, males are barred(with a rose comb).
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they look to be dark cornish
Thanks guys,

I thought they were Dark Cornish Hens, but the guy at the hatchery swears they are Laced Wyandottes. I guess I'll have to convince him with the evidence and exchange them for better egg layers.

Thanks for all your help! You guys are great!
they will most likely lay well, they are hatchery birds. Thats what they're in the buiness for if you think about it. cant sell chicks if they dont have eggs. I had a hatchery cornish and she laid 5 days a week, I hatched some cool looking EE chicks from her with my EE roo, they look just like Dark cornish, but have beards and lay olive eggs.

Here's a cockeral

and the only pullet I hatched, I still have her. (Also with a Mottled Ancona, White Leghorn/EE, and Barred Cochin)
I Dark Cornish is an amazing layer, almost on par with my Rocks....I just hatched a bunch of DC/EEs that are absolutely adorable!

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