Black sex-link personality?! and pics

I am quickly discovering the BSL is definitely not a breed for me. I currently have 2 batches of Bitys (many different breeds) the older batch is almost 6 weeks old I have BSL cockerels and 4 pullets in this group. The cockerels are sweet very affectionate... the pullets on the other hand (all except one) are down right mean.... they team up and corner some of the other pullets and peck them. Every time I put my hand in there the 3 of them go after me, sometimes they challenge me other times they just team up and peck the daylights out of my hand.... I am giving all of them, except the one pullet thats nice (including the cockerels) to a friend....and if the one turns aggressive she will join them.... I will never own this breed again
We purchased 4 black sexlink chicks with our first generation of chickens. One wasn't very fit to begin with and died the first night, and of the remaining three, we had two timid, standoffish hens and one fat, sassy, friendly hen. In my admittedly limited experience, they can run the spectrum of personalities, but Gladys is without a doubt one of my favorite hens. She's friendly, good-natured, and a good, steady layer.

Here's Gladys

Here's our other remaining black sexlink hen, Sylvia. She regularly lays eggs that are too large to fit in the egg carton.
They are gorgeous. Would they mix well with red sexlinks or would they just be mean because I would reccomend red sexlinks to anyone
They get along just peachy with red sexlink. Our black and red sexlink hens are always together, while Goldie--a red sexlink--and Gladys--a black--share the position of alpha hen quite happily.
I have 12 BSL pullets I'm guessing 5 or 6 weeks old and they are mean compared to my 5 other breeds when I feed them they attack my hand as a group and have drawn blood once. (My leghorns are the nicest one even acts protective of my hand towards the bsl's) I've since started finger thumping them back and at least they now hesitate before trying to eat my hand.
I have 1 bsl, 1 gold sl, 1 barred rock. They are 4 weeks old. Both the sexlink are extremly friendly and come to me when i feed them. The barred rock is a little shy and apprehensive. The bsl is much larger than the other 2. They're all so much fun to watch.

Lorelai is my fussiest chick. She's about 6 wks old and is very pretty with lots of brown trim on her feathers and is petite compared to the others. She is very vocal and sounds whiny. She cheeps like crazy when you pick her up, or get near her, or if one of the others is separated from the group, or if she found treat to snack on, or if something is out of order in her little world. High strung is a good way of describing her. She doesn't bite, and isn't agressive, just not overly friendly. But, she is the best forager in the gang. She just caught her first lizard outside in this photo, and was squeaking like mad over her find. She's the first to find bugs and creepy crawlies to eat and is quick to snatch them up.

Lucy is the BSL sandwiched between the two RSLs in this picture. She is nearly solid black with only a tiny bit of dark brown stripes on her neck and has a lovely green sheen to her feathers like a crow. She's not too fussy, very friendly, and laid back. She's a nice little bird to have in the flock, my second favorite, and a favorite of my sons'.

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